Political Social Science Quiz Gk Multiple Choice Questions Answers for Competitions

Political Social Science Quiz Gk Multiple Choice Questions Answers for Competitions

(1) Who is called the “Intellectual Father of French Revolution? J.J Rousseau

(2) GENERAL WILL as concept was introduced by:Rousseau

(3) Karl Marx is known for his theory of :Meterialistic Interpretation of history

(4) “Man by nature is a social and political animal” is the cornerstone of the philosophy of:Aristotle

(5) The author of the Book The Laws was:Plato

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(6) The center of Learning to the Greeks was the city state of :Athens

(7) which of the thinkers is a social contractualist?Hobbes

(8) “Principle of Utility” as a formula was the idea of :Jeremy Bentham

(9) Modern Political thought begins withMachiavelli

(10) Plato was a:Idealist

(11) “Two treatises on civil Government” constitute the basic source
of Political thought of :Locke

(12) Marx and Engels produced the famous book’ Common Manifesto’ In:1848

(13) “ Siyasatnama” and ‘Majma ul Wasaya’ are the two books on
administration attributed to:Nizam ul Mulk Tusi

(14) Montesquieu by birth belonged to:France

(15) Al-Ghazzali was a philosopher of :11th century

(16) Sepration of Ethics and Politics was the principle notion in the
philosophy of:Machiavelli

(17) A Bi-cameral legislature as most suited to:Federal States

(21) Ahya ul ulum is the work of:Al Ghazali

(22) He is famous for his work “Muqaddameh”:Ibn Khuldun

(23) The Bolshevik movement in Russia was led by:Lenin

(24) He is known as the major theorist of bureaucracy:Max Weber

(25) Cultural Revolution in China was launched under the leadership of:Mao dzedung

(26) Collective responsibility is a feature of:Parliamentary form

(27) Decentralization is a feature of:Federal System

(28) Dictatorship of the Proletariat is one of the concepts of:Karl Marx

(29) The general Will is the political concept of:J. J. Rousseau

(30) ‘Leviathan’ is written by:Thomas Hobbes

(31) “An essay concerning Human Understanding” is written by:John Locke

(34) “Political Science begins and ends with the state” is said by:Professor Garner

(35) Thyau’l-Ulum was the chief work of:Al Ghazali