. (i). A candidate who fails to secure at least 40% marks in any of the compulsory subjects, 33% marks in any of the optional subjects,50% marks in the Aggregate will be considered to have failed in written examination and will not be eligible for medical examination, Psychological Assessment and Viva Voce.
(ii). Only the candidates declared qualified for written examination and found eligible will be called for next stage i.e. Medical Examination, Psychological Assessment and Viva Voce.
(i). All candidates must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of their duties. The candidates who (after such medical examination
which Government or the appointing authority, may prescribe) are found not to satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed except disabled candidates as mentioned in sub rule (ii) below:-(ii). Disabled candidates in the categories of physically impaired, hearing/speech impaired(deaf & dumb) and visually impaired (blind) are allowed to compete for Competitive Examination against four Occupational Groups/Services viz: (a) Commerce & Trade Group (b) Pakistan Audit & Accounts Service (c) Information Group & (d) Postal Group. Disabled candidates securing a position against prescribed 7.5% merit quota on all Pakistan basis may be considered for allocation to Foreign Service of Pakistan on the basis of his/her choice.
(iii) (a): Disabled candidates viz visually impaired (Blind) and physically impaired will be provided helper (writer), if they have been declared permanently incapacitated w.r.t. writing by the Federal/Provincial Council for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons, and a certificate in this regard has been attached by them with application form and also requested for provision of helper in their application form. FPSC shall arrange the helper from within the available staff of FPSC deputed at the examination centre. The role
of the helper would merely be to reproduce in writing the words so uttered by the disabled candidate. No intellectual contribution by the helper is permissible. The educational level of the helper would
be Graduate/Intermediate/ matriculate as per availability at the exam centre. No request for choicest helper or venue of the exam shall be entertained. The disabled candidate alongwith helper shall
remain within the examination hall till conclusion of the paper.
(b): Extra time viz 15 minutes per hour will only be allowed to visually impaired (Blind) candidates. The other categories of disabled candidates would not be allowed extra time.
(c):The disabled candidate referred to above (vide Sub-Rule (a) and (b)) may attempt the question paper on computer for which facility shall only be provided at FPSC HQs and FPSC’s Provincial Offices, however, no TA/DA will be admissible. Such Computer literate candidates should fill the relevant entries in the online Application Form, else they will not be allowed to attempt the paper
on computer. (d): No application or medical certificate regarding claim for
disability or request for provision of helper/computer on medical grounds or sudden accident, shall be accepted after the closing date, except where the claim has been made in the application form
before the closing date and certificate of disability attached as an evidence.
(iv). Candidates who qualify the written examination will be medically examined by the Medical Boards constituted for the purpose. If any candidate remains absent twice in his/her Medical Examination, his/her candidature will automatically stand rejected and no appeal in this regard will be entertained. However, his/her chance will be considered as consumed.
(v). In order to prevent disappointment, candidates are advised to have themselves examined by a Government Medical Officer of the standing of a Civil Surgeon before applying for admission to the
Examination. Particulars of the nature of the medical test to which candidates will be subjected before appointment and of the standards required are attached with the Rules as Annex “A”.
All candidates called for Viva Voce will be required to undergo Psychological Assessment, comprising written tests and group tasks. Such tests are designed to assess abilities, attitude and
personality characteristics of the candidates with special regard to their aptitude for the Civil Services. Separate marks are not awarded for the Psychological assessment. However, 300 marks
assigned to Viva Voce also reflect the performance on Psychological Assessment. Candidates must bring their National Identity Cards and two copies of recent photographs when summoned for Psychological Assessment. If a candidate remains absent in the Psychological Assessment, he/she will not be allowed to appear for Viva Voce.
(i). Each candidate who is declared qualified in written part of the examination will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his/her career, both academic and extramural. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The object of the interview is to assess his/her suitability for the services for which he/she is entered and in framing their assessment the Board will attach particular importance to the moral and ethical qualities of the candidates, his/her intelligence and alertness of mind, his/her vigour and strength of character and his/her potential qualities of leadership. The Board will take into consideration his/her extramural activities such as sports, debates,
hobbies, etc., and their effect on his/her physique and character, in assessing his/her merit.
(ii). All candidates are expected to have basic knowledge regarding Islam and Pakistan. Questions may be asked in the Interview on these subjects. Persons securing less than pass marks in these subjects will not be considered for appointment to Government jobs, irrespective of their proficiency in other fields.
However, the Non-Muslim candidates will not be asked any question regarding Islam.
(iii). A candidate who fails to secure at least 100 marks in viva voce will be considered to have failed and will not be eligible for appointment.
(iv). The result of Viva Voce shall be intimated to all candidates in
due course of time.