SZABMU Entry Test Syllabus Past Papers for BS Nursing AHS DPT

SZABMU Entry Test Syllabus Past Papers for BS Nursing AHS DPT

SZABMU Entry Test Syllabus Past Papers for BS Nursing AHS DPT, SZAB Medical University Entry Test Pattern, Test Criteria and Paper Distribution 2024-2025. Entry test will be composed of Five subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Islamic/Pak Studies and English.

Syllabus for Entry Test of DPT, AHS, BS Molecular Biology & B.S Nursing Generic;

Paper Distribution for each subject is as follows;

Biology 30%
Biology mcqs questions will be from following three topics;

1. Bacteriology
2. Cell Biology
3. Blood (Composition & Function)

Chemistry 20%
Chemistry mcqs questions will be from following four topics;

1. Fundamental Concepts
2. States of Matter
3. Chemical Bonding
4. Atomic Structure

Physcics 10%
This subjects mcqs questions will be from following three topics;

1. Law of motions
2. Motion
3. Vector, Scalar

Islamic or Ethics & Pak Studies: 15%

English FSc level English Grammar 25%

Total: 100%

Note: Test will be from F.Sc Level course

Syllabus for Entry Test for BS Nursing Post RN;

Paper Distribution for each subject is as follows;

Medical & Surgical Nursing 25%
Pediatric Nursing 10%
Fundamental of Nursing 15%
Leadership and Management 05%
Pharmacology 05%
Community Health Nursing 05%
English 20%
General knowledge 10%
Psychiatry/Mental Health Nursing 05%

Total: 100%