Pak Navy Sailor Marine Test Preparation

Pak Navy Sailor Marine Test Preparation

A Step by Step Comprehensive Guide to the Selection Process for Pak Navy Sailor Marine Test Preparation 2024. Join Pak Navy as Marine Sailor for adventure and a desire to serve your country.

Initial Test:

The first step in joining the Pakistan Navy as a Sailor in the Marine Branch in 2024 is the Initial Test. This is a written MCQ based computer test held at the nearest selection center. The Initial Test comprises three sections:

1. Intelligence Test:
Format: Verbal and non verbal MCQs
Total MCQs: 75
Time Allotted: 30 Minutes

2. Academic Test:
Format: MCQ based written test
Total MCQs: 75
Time Allotted: 30 Minutes
Syllabus: English, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics

3. Personality Test/Psychology Test:
Format: Questions based on religion, love, hate, emotions, etc.
Total MCQs: Not specific
Time Allotted: Not specific
Syllabus: Evaluation of the candidate’s real personality

Medical Test:

Candidates who successfully pass the Initial Written Test proceed to the Medical Test. This examination ensures candidates are free of diseases and physically fit. The detailed medical exam involves:

Blood Test
Hepatitis B, C Test
Eye Test
Heart Beat Test
Color Blindness Test
Knee Knocking Test
Flat Footed Test


Candidates who pass both the initial and final medical exams must undergo an interview at the nearest PNR&SCs (Pakistan Navy Recruitment and Selection Center).

Final Selection:

Following the interview the Pakistan Navy Headquarters in Karachi will make the final selection. Eligible candidates will receive offer letters marking the culmination of the selection process to join the Pak Navy as a Sailor in the Marine Branch in 2024.

Read Also: Pak Navy Sailor Marine Registation 2024 Online Schedule