General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning MCQs Sample Questions for IMAT Test

General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning MCQs Sample Questions for IMAT Test

General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning MCQs Sample Questions for IMAT Test in pdf free online preparation.

1.Which of the following countries is NOT a founding member of NATO?







2.Which of the following is NOT one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Parthenon of Athens

The Colossus of Rhodes

IMAT Loogical Reasong Questions with Answer Key

3.In recent years there has been increased concern that fashion models reflect an unrealistic and unattainable image of femininity and that this has a negative effect on the self esteem of many young women. Many major designers continue to design for an exceptionally tall and flat chested female frame. It should be no surprise therefore that there have been several cases recently when designers have favored male models on their catwalks to model their women swear. Rather than being a cause of surprise or concern, this should be welcomed as recognition of the that these designs are unsuitable for most women and it draws attention to the major differences between catwalk fashion and clothing for the real world. Which one of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

  • Some designers have favoured male models simply to generate more media attention for their collections.
  • Some female models struggle to maintain the necessary physique for catwalk modelling.
  • Some designers are recognising that the physique of many catwalk models represents an unhealthy ideal for most women.
  • Very few observers noticed initially that the male models were not in fact women.
  • Surveys of young women have suggested that the use of male models makes the typical model physique less desirable to attain.


4.High profile members of society can raise awareness of worthy causes better than members of the public, because they have their opinions listened to and respected more readily by a larger number of people. Celebrities should not be shy about drawing attention to charities and foundations to which they donate their time and money, because it may encourage other people to do the same.

Which one of the following best illustrates the principle underlying the argument above?

  • People should value their superiors’ opinions on all matters because they have been successful in one or more fields.
  • If your boss does not commit any virtuous acts then neither should you.
  • If you can help someone else by donating your disposable time and money, it will help improve society.
  • Directors of companies should encourage their employees to recycle more by visibly doing so themselves.
  • Companies with the most employees should be put under pressure to commit to the most social change.

5.Childhood obesity is still a problem. This is often blamed on the fact that children have easy access to a range of unhealthy foods and increasingly have more money available to them to spend on fattening and sugar filled foods. A solution seems obvious – raise the prices of all these foods so that parents will have more control over what their children eat and will find it more economical to buy healthy foods. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to work as the problem is also caused by the fact that unhealthy foods tend to be more convenient and that is what many parents consider when deciding what foods to provide. A wider range of ‘ready to eat’ healthy food options would be a good start to solving the problem of child obesity.

Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?

  • Parents should have more control over the food that their children eat.
  • The price of unhealthy foods should be raised.
  • There should be more ‘ready to eat’ healthy meals available.
  • Children have too much access to fattening and sugar filled foods.
  • Child obesity is still a problem.

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