ETC HAT-UG-M English Important Solved MCQs Past Papers

ETC HAT-UG-M English Important Solved MCQs Past Papers

1. His theories have been __________ by recent research.
A) Pronounced C) Dammed
B) Rearmed D) Debunked
2. International rules __________ the number of foreign entrants.
A) Hoodwink C) Fabricate
B) Stipulate D) Traverse
3. The assassination of the president __________ the country into war.
A) Articulated C) Hobbled
B) Boomed D) Precipitated
4. She might be forgiven for __________ beneath the pressure.
A) Undertaking C) Buckling
B) Extricating D) Resounding
In each of the following question, four alternative sentences are given.
Choose the CORRECT one and fill the Circle corresponding to that letter in the
MCQ Response Form.
5. A) Inside a carton was a push-button unit fastened with a small wooden box.
B) Inside a carton was a push-button unit fastened by a small wooden box.
C) Inside a carton was a push-button unit fastened to a small wooden box.
D) Inside a carton was a push-button unit fastened along a small wooden box.
6. A) They both looked to one another, startled by all they had just finished saying.
B) They both looked to each another, startled by all they had just finish saying.
C) They both looked to each another, startle by all they had just finish saying.
D) They both looked to each another, startled by all they had just finished saying.
7. A) The lovely sentiments we go through repeating!
B) The lovely sentiments we go about repeating!
C) The lovely sentiments we go in repeating!
D) The lovely sentiments we go for repeating!
8. A) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quick out of the door.
B) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quick out to the door.
C) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quickly out to the door.
D) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quickly out of the door.
9. A) In a short while quiet a large crowd had been collected.
B) In a short while quite a large crowd had collected.
C) In a short while quite large crowd had collected.
D) In a short while quite the large crowd had been collecting.
10. A) She watched all the important matches in the Brookfield ground.
B) She watched all the important matches on the Brookfield ground.
C) She watched all the important matches from the Brookfield ground.
D) She watched all the important matches within the Brookfield ground.
In each of the following question, four alternative meanings of a word are
given. You have to select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word
and fill the appropriate Circle on the MCQ Response Form.
A) Loyal
B) Lazy
C) Lacking strength
D) High
A) Coward
B) Non-cooperative
C) Imitating
D) Gallant
A) Curved
B) Traditional
C) Formal
D) Dashing
A) Huge
B) Trivial
C) Little
D) Square
A) Colophon
B) Concoct
C) Divert
D) Respite
A) Anomaly
B) Prototype
C) Steward
D) Fashion
A) Mode
B) Token
C) Quirk
D) Bulwark
A) Patrol
B) Arcane
C) Exhort
D) Falter
A) Visit
B) Belch
C) Furry
D) Inking
20. MUSE
A) Immaculate
B) Chew over
C) Sigh over
D) Vagary