English Literature Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answers Quiz Practice Tests for PSC CSC Competitive Exams Preparation

English Literature Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answers Quiz Practice Tests for  PSC CSC Competitive Exams Preparation

Important Questions Answers PDF Book


1- Lyrical Ballads opens with;
a- Tintern Abbey
b- Michael
c- Dejection: an Ode
d- Rime of Ancient Mariner

e- Immortality Ode.

2- Besides the French Revolution the effect on Romantic Revolution:
a- American Revolution
b- Napoleonic wars
c- Industrial Revolution
d- Peasant’s Revolt
e- The defeat of the Spanish armada.

3- William Blake’s /Song’s of ———-‘ counterbalance his ‘Songs of Experience’.
A- Love
b- childhood
c- past
d- Inexperience
e- Innocence

4- Geraldine is a character of the poem;
a- Lucy Grey
b- The Thorn
c- Christabel
d- Frost at midnight
e- the last of the flock

5- ‘kubla khan’ is a poem which reflects a———strain in Choleridge’s poetry.
A- Intellectual
b- magical
c- melancholic
d- pessimistic
e- philosophical

6- Keats’ poem Endymion is based on —— mythology.
A- Greek
b- Roman
c- celtic
d- Scandanavian
e- Indian

7- Byrob’s journey to Spain, Malta, Albania and Greece resulted in the production of the first two cantos of his poem:
a- cain
b- childe Herald’s Pilgrimage
c- Don Juan
d- the prisoner of Chillon
e- The Seige of Corinth

8- In Don Juan Byron used:
a- blank verse
b- couplets
c- ottava rima
d- refrain
e- terza rima

9- Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University on the charge of being a(n):
a- anarchist
c- commonist
d- nazi
e- traitor

10- Adonais was an elegy Shelley wrote in 1821 on the death of:
a- Keats
b- Byron
c- Arthur Hugh Clough
d- Thomas Love Peacock
e- William Hazlit

11- Confessions of an English Opium Eater was written by:
a- Charles Lamb
b- John Ruskin
c- Maria Edgeworth
d- Thomas Carlyle
e- Thomas
e Quencey

12- Elia was the pseudonym used by Charles Lamb for getting his works published in:
a- London magazine
b- The New York Times
c- The Mirror
d- The spectator
e- the Sun

13- Tennyson created a medieval world in his poem:
a- in memoriam
b- the lady of Shalott
c- the lotus eaters
d- tithonus
e- Ulyssess

14- Arthur Hugh Clough became an inspiration for Mathew Arnold’s work:
a- the buried life
b- dover beach
c- culture and anarchy
d- the scholor gypsy
e- essays on criticism

15- ————- is an attack by Ruskin on the Philistines.
A- modern painters
b- stones of Venice
c- seven lamps of architecture
e- praeterita

16- Dickens’ first novel which focused on the specific social ills was:
a- the Christmas carol
b- david copperfield
c- great expectatios
d-oliver twist
e- a tale of two cities

17- G Eliot’s novels show her concern for the character’s———– problems.
A- economic
b- moral
d- spiritual e social

18- Dickens’ novels combine——— and melodrama.
A- journalism
c- satire
d- science
e- religion

19- The first which Charlotte Bronte wrote was:
a- Emily
b- jane eyre
c- Shirley
d- the professor
e- villette

20- Oscar Wilde’s novel published in 1891 was entitled as:
a- the picture of dorian grey
b- the importance of being earnest
c- lady windermere’s fan
d- a woman of no importance
e- salome

1-a 2-c 3-e 4-c 5-a 6-a 7-b 8-c 9-b 10-a 11-e 12-a 13-e 14-d 15-a 16-c 17-b 18-c 19-b 20-e