Social Sciences Multiple Choice Questions Answers

STS Science Technology Society Questions Answers pdf

STS Science Technology Society Questions Answers pdf online practice test mock test free. STS questions with answers pdf. Q: What is a natural satellite of the Earth? Ans: The Earth’s natural satellite is the Moon. Q: What is the basic unit of life? Ans: The basic unit of life is the cell. Q: What is […]

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Sociology Solved MCQs Related to Individual And Society

Sociology Solved MCQs Related to Individual And Society Q 1: Who among the following is odd one? (a) Colley (b) Mead (c) Parsons (d) Durkheim Q2: Who viewed expectation and inspiration as the two main bases of socialization and learning? (a) Parsons (b) Mead (c) J.Piaget (d) social Process Q 3: Suggestion is one of

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Introduction to Sociology Solved Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

Introduction to Sociology Solved Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Q 1: Which of the social philosophers called sociology ”Social Physics? (a) August (b) Wolfed Pareto (c) Mac lver (d) Herbert Spencer Q 2: ”Main is a social animal” are the famous word of: (a) Aristotle (b) Cristo (c) Spencer (d) Plato Q 3: Sociology is

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Sociology Solved MCQs Practice Test Questions Prepare for Exam

Sociology Solved MCQs Practice Test Questions Prepare for Exam 1) Ferdinand Tonnies used the term ————–. To refer to societies dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishment and self-interests. (a) Society (b) Gesellschaft (c) Community (d) Gemeinschaft 2) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called (a) Interview Schedule (b)

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Sociology Multiple Choice with Questions Answers Practice Exercise Test

Sociology Multiple Choice with Questions Answers Practice Exercise Test Important Solved MCQs 1۔ Qualitative Data Means:  Expressed in words 2) A Likert scale emphasizes  Uni-dimensinality 3. When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called  Interview Schedule 4) Endogamy is the marriage among certain relatives.  False 5. ———– Is the

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