Pakistan Navy Cadet College Petaro Pre O Level Admission Entry Test General Science Mathematics Past Papers

Time 01 Hour Max Marks: 100
SECTION-A Marks-30
Mark the correct response. Each question carries 02 Marks.
1. When we through an object upward, after covering certain height object falls back on the ground.
Which of the following force is responsible for the downward motion of the object?
A) Frictional force B) Gravitational force C) Resistive force D) Nuclear force
2. A force which always opposes the motion of an object is called:
A) Gravitational force B) Frictional force C) Forward force D) Balance force
3. Which of the following quantities has same unit as force?
A) Work done B) Weight C) Torque D) Pressure
4. SI unit of time is second. Which of the following is the correct symbol of mili seconds?
A) Ms B) MS C) ms D) mS
5. 10-6stands for;A) mili B) mega C) micro D) giga
6. 11. correct scientific notation of 0.0001 is:
A) 1×10 B) 1×104 C) 1×10-3 D) 1×10-4
7. 12. SI unit of temperature is:
A) Centigrade B) Celsius C) Fahrenheit D) Kelvin
8. A pair of scissors is an example of?
A) First kind of lever B) Second kind of lever C) third kind of lever D) None of these
9. Efficiency of a machine can be defined as:
A) Input / Output B) Output / Input C) Output-Input / Input D) Output-Input / Output
10. When a spring is compressed, what form of energy does it possess?
A) Kinetic B) Potential C) Heat D) All of these
11. Normal body temperature of human beings is:
A) 98.50C B) 98.50F C) 1000C D) 1000F
12. Which of the following is transparent?
A) Wood B) Silver C) Soil D) Air
13. Which of the following is the main source of energy?
A) Moon B) Sun C) Factories D) Fire
14. What is main property of sound by which we can distinguish between male and female voice?
A) Loudness B) Energy C) Pitch D) Quality
15. Glowing bulb is an example of:
A) Open circuit B) Close circuit C) Simple circuit D) Complex circuit
SECTION-B Marks-30
Mark the correct response. Each question carries 02 Marks.
1. Ice floats in water because it is
(A) More dense than water. (B) Colder than water.
(C) Less dense than water. (D) Warmer than water.
2. The average weight of atoms of an element as compared to the weight of one atom of carbon taken as 12 is called ____
(A) Atomic Number (B) Atomic Mass (C) Molecular Mass (D) Formula Mass
3. Proton is ___________times heavier than an electron
(A) 1637 (B) 1837 (C) 1937 (D) 1742
4. The solution prepared in water is called _____________solution.
(A) Molar (B) Molal (C) Aqueous (D) Dilute
5. pH meter is invented by __________________
(A) Goldstein (B) Sorenson (C) J.J Thomson (D) S.A Arrhensius
6. Modern Classification of elements is based on __________.
(A) Doberiner’s law of Triads. (B) Newlands’ law of Octaves.
(C) Mendeleev’s Periodic Table. (D) None of these
7. Which of the following has high average kinetic energy?
(A) Solid (B) Liquid (C) Gas (D) Plasma
8. Total number of protons and neutrons in the center of nucleus of an atom is called as ____
(A) Atomic Number (B) Mass Number (C) Molecular Mass (D) Formula Mass
9. Electrons were discovered by ______________.
(A) Goldstein (B) Crooks
(C) J.J Thomson (D) Bohar
10. What is the formula of Washing Soda?
(A) NaOH (B) NaHCO3
(C) Na2CO3 (D) Ca(OH)2
11. What is the formula of Chalk?
(A) MgCO3 (B) MgCO3. CaCO3
(C) MgCl2 KCl .6H2O (D) CaCO3
12. The process of purification and separation of various fractions of petroleum by fractional distillation
is called__________
(A) Distillation (B) Hydrogenation
(C) Refining (D) Chromatography
13. What is the main constituent of Natural gas ?
(A) Methane (B) Ethane (C) Propane (D) Butane
14. What is the mass of one mole of carbon-12?
(A) 0.012 g (B) 0.024 g (C) 1 g (D) 12 g
15. When ice melts to form water, energy
(A) is created. (B) is released. (C) is destroyed. (D) is absorbed.

SECTION-C Marks-40
Mark the correct response. Each question carries 02 Marks.
1. Which two of the following contain mostly deoxygenated blood?
(a) Pulmonary artery (b) Pulmonary vein (c) Aorta (d) Veins
2. Which one of the following carries messages through the body?
(a) Muscles (b) Nerves (c) Tissue (d) Blood
3. Which one of the organs protected by the ribs?
(a) Lungs (b) Eyes (c) Brain (d) kidneys
4. Which one of the following is caused by a deficiency of vitamin-A?
(a) Malaria (b) Typhid (c) Night blindness (d) Tuberculosiss
5. A lack of which nutrient causes gums to bleed?
(a) Calcium (b) Iron (c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D
Complete the following statements with suitable words: Each carries 02 Marks.
(i) The process of getting energy from_______________________ is known as nutrition.
(ii) We obtain cream and butter from ________________________ fat.
(iii) The cell is a unit which is present in all____________ organisms that is, in all _______ and animal.
(iv) The thin layer which enclosed the nucleus is called ____________________.
(v) The jelly like substance which is present in the cell is called_____________________.
(vi) The thin layer which enclosed the nucleus is called ________________________.
(vii) During pollination the __________________ of a flower receives ___________________ grains.
(viii) A neuron is a long ______________________ cell.
(ix) In the blood circulatory system, the _____________________ works as a pump.
(x) The temperature of a plant is regulated by a process is called __________________.
Q No.3. Define Human brain and nervous system. [10]

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