Unit-5 Class 10th English Simple Questions with Answers

Unit 5 The Rain Class 10th English Simple Questions with Answers. Class 10 English unit 5 question answers excercise in pdf download free.

Questions Answers from Text Book Exercise

1. What does the poet hear?

Answer: The poet hears the sound of rain drops falling on the top thick leaves.

2. What according to the poet is a sweet noise?

Answer: According to the poet the sound of rain drops falling on the leaves is a sweet noise.

3. What will happen after the rain stops?

Answer: After the rain, the sun will break through the clouds. It will shine bright. It will be a lovely sight.

4. How does the sun come out after the rain?

Answer: After the rain, the sun breaks through the clouds. It shines bright.

5. How does the light fill the drops?

Answer: After the rain, the sun shines bright. The sunshine fills every drop with light. Every drop begins to shine in the rays of the sun.

6. What makes the scene lovely?

Answer: After the rain, the atmosphere is washed. The sun shines bright. Everything begins to shine in the rays of the sun. Thus the whole scene becomes very lovely.

Questions Answers from lesson:

1. What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?

Answer: The rich leaves mean the top thickly growing leaves. The lower thin leaves grow less in number. Therefore, they are poor.

2. Do you also like the sun coming out after rain? Why?

Answer: Yes, I like the sun coming out after rain. After rain, it shines bright. The washed atmosphere looks lovely in the bright sunshine

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