Punjab University Online BA BSc Associate Degree ADP Examination Date Sheet Guidelines

Download Punjab University Online BA BSc Associate Degree ADP Examination Date Sheet 2020 Guidelines Sample Papers MCQS, BA Online MCQS BSc Online MCQS ADP Science Arts MCQS Online Past Papers

Dear Student Username: To be sent via email to each student separately Password: To be sent via email to each student separately


It is important that you read the guidance and ensure that you meet the minimum specification as you will be asked to confirm your understanding of this if you proceed for an exam at home.


• Exams must only be run on desktop PCs or full-size laptop computers excluding MACs.

 • Your home broadband must be stable and free from interruptions. Please note that an unstable connection will cause problems during Computer Based Exam.


• Laptops, Desktop PCs and Internet modems must be connected to UPS to avoid any power interruptions.

 • You must have Windows 8.1 or above (preferably Windows 10) with updated service packs.

• Minimum of 4GB RAM must be installed in Laptop / Desktop PC.

• 500 MB or greater free hard disk space must be present.

• Good quality Camera /Webcam must be attached and installed with Laptop / Desktop PC.

• Working MIC must be present with system.


• Download Safe Exam Browser (SEB) from the given sources: https://sourceforge.net/projects/seb/files/seb/SEB_3.0.1/SEB_3.0.1.163_SetupBundle.exe/dow nload OR https://pern-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/puexams_pu_edu_pk/EZZ3QB7_cBRPnrTcY_hZ6WABarynZX0y0VJfCqUwEPbosA?e=ixkEVl

Make sure you are downloading version 3.0.1 of Safe Exam Browser (SEB).

• Recommended web browser for online examinations is Google Chrome. • Connect through “Google Meet” on your system to communicate with your proctor (Exam supervisor).

• A Username and Password is sent via Email to start examination. Make sure to change your password as soon as possible. Once changed, this password will remain same for every paper.

• You will receive a Meeting Code 30 mins prior before start of each paper from your proctor to share your camera and MIC.

• Once connected with your proctor, show your environment to him/her.

• You will be receiving a file before start of every exam from relevant proctor: proctor1.exams@pu.edu.pk. Download and double click this file to start your each paper.

• Your system will be in control of proctor during course of exam. All irrelevant applications will be shutdown automatically.

 • Use of mobiles, communication means and other unfair means will cause termination of paper as you are continuously in surveillance and visible to your proctor. Switching off camera during exam will be considered as malpractice.

 • Do not quit Safe Exam Browser during paper as it will end your paper attempt. Your DEMO EXAM is open from now till 28th July 2020 04:00 PM. To start demo exam, click the link given below:


For any queries, contact us at: puexams3@pu.edu.pk

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