Grammar Practice Test for Grammar Spelling Punctuation Test GSPAT-120

Grammar Practice Test for Grammar Spelling Punctuation Test GSPAT-120

Q.No.1. You throw a ball. It hits your friend. You will say to him/her to apologize:
a) I’m fine. b) Oh great!
c) I’m sorry. d) Wonderful!

Q.No.2. How many syllables are in the word “perfect”?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

Q.No.3. He is an _____________ person.
a) honist b) honest
c) honast d) honust

Q.No.4. The group of collective nouns is:
a) book, milk b) hair, water
c) family, gold d) army, crowd

Q.No.5. The group of abstract nouns is:
a) Water, Air, Light b) Soap, Cream, Butter
c) Friend, Teacher, Book d) Pain, Happiness, Respect

Q.No.6. __________ Sun shines brightly in summer.
a) A b) An c) Many d) The

Q.No.7. This is the boy _____ we met in the market.
a) whose b) which
c) who d) whom

Q.No.8. The sentence of future perfect continuous tense is:
a) She has already been helping us in cooking.
b) I shall be working hard for examination.
c) He will have been teaching us since morning.
d) He participated in English debate competition.

Q.No.9. I went to a restaurant to ________ lunch.
a) take b) taking c) took d) taken

Q.No.10. “Wao! What a beautiful dress.” The sentence shows:
a) sadness b) wonder c) anger d) order

Q.No.11. Someone is ____________ the door.
a) at b) in c) on d) to

Q.No.12. The sentence with correct capitalization is:
a) Ahmad and saba will go to london for higher studies.
b) Ahmad and Saba will go to London for higher studies.
c) Ahmad and Saba will go to London for Higher Studies.
d) Ahmad and saba will go to london for Higher Studies.

Q.No.13. The sentence with correct position of adverb “always” is:
a) I always get up early in the morning.
b) Always I get up early in the morning.
c) I get always up early in the morning.
d) I get up early always in the morning.
Q.No.14. I am thankful to you for ______ kindness.

a) your’s b) yours c) you d) your
Q.No.15. Amina did her homework ________.
a) myself b) herself
c) himself d) yourself

Q.No.16. The adjective of noun “benefit” is:
a) benefited b) beneficial
c) benefiter d) benefits

Q.No.17. ______________ was present in the class except Aslam.
a) Anybody b) Someone c) Everybody d) Anyone

Q.No.18. How far is the sky from the Earth _____
Identify the correct punctuation mark for the above sentence.
a) . b) ? c) , d) “ ”

Q.No.19. “He is singing a song.”
The correct passive voice for the above sentence is:
a) A song is sung by him.
b) A song is singing by him.
c) A song is sang by him.
d) A song is being sung by him.

Q.No.20. Akbar said, “I shall water the plants tomorrow.”
The indirect narration for the above sentence is:
a) Akbar told that I shall water the plants tomorrow.
b) Akbar told that he would water the plants the next day.
c) Akbar told that he will water the plants the next day.
d) Akbar told that I would water the plants tomorrow.

1. C 9. A 17. C 25. B
2. B 10. B 18. B 26. D
3. B 11. A 19. D 27. B
4. D 12. B 20. B