CSS Syllabus for Compulsory Subjects English Essay English Precise Islamiat Everyday science Current Affairs Pakistan Affairs

CSS Examination 2016 Revised New Syllabus
Compulsory Subjects Total Marks-600

1. English Essay 100
2. English Precise & Composition 100
3. General Science & Abbility 100
4. Current Affairs 100
5. Pakistan Affairs 100
6. Islamic Studies 100 Or
Comparative Study of Major Religions (For Non-Muslims)

Total Marks: 600

Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of topics will be given.Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research based knowledge on a selected topic. Candidate’s articulation, expression and technical treatment of the style of English Essay writing will be examined.

The examination in this subject will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks to Test the candidate’s abilities to handle Precis Writing, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structuring, Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc.

I. Precis Writing (20 marks)
A careful selected passage with an orientation of generic understanding and enough flexibility for compression shall be given for précising and suggesting an appropriate title.Out of the total 20 marks allocated to this question, 15 shall go to précising the text and 5 to suggesting the title.

II. Reading Comprehension (20 marks)
A carefully selected passage that is rich in substance but not very technical or discipline-specific shall be given, followed by five questions, each carrying 4 marks.

III. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 marks)
Correct usage of Tense, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Phrasal Verbs,Synonyms and Antonyms etc.

IV. Sentence Correction (10 marks)
The sentences shall be given each having a clear structural flaw in terms of grammar or punctuation. The candidates shall be asked to rewrite them with really needed correction only, without making unnecessary alterations. No two or more sentence should have
exactly the same problem, and 2-3 sentences shall be based on correction of punctuation marks.

V. Grouping of Words (10 marks)
A random list of twenty words of moderate standard (neither very easy nor utterly unfamiliar) shall be given, to be grouped by the candidates in pairs of those having similar or opposite meaning, as may be clearly directed in the question.

VI. Pairs of Words (10 marks)
Ten pairs shall be given of seemingly similar words with different meanings, generally confused in communication, for bringing out the difference in meaning of any five of them by first explaining them in parenthesis and then using them in sentences.

VII. Translation (10 marks)
Ten short Urdu sentences involving structural composition, significant terms and figurative/idiomatic expressions shall be given, to be accurately translated into English.

Part-I (General Science) 60 Marks
I. Physical Sciences
Constituents and Structure:-Universe, Galaxy, Light Year, Solar System, Sun,Earth, Astronomical System of Units.
Process of Nature: – Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Rotation and Revolution, Weather Variables (Global Temperature, Pressure, Circulation, Precipitation, Humidity) and Weather Variations.
Natural Hazards and Disasters: – Earth Quake, Volcanic Eruption, Tsunami,Floods, Avalanche, Travelling Cyclone (Tropical Cyclone, Middle Latitude Cyclone and Tornadoes), Drought, Wildfire, Urban Fire. Disaster Risk Management.Energy Resources: – Sources of Energy (Renewable i.e. LED Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Non-Renewable Energy conservation and its sustainable
use.Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Electromagnetic Radiations.Modern Materials/Chemicals: – Ceramics, Plastics, Semiconductors. Antibiotics,Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides.
II. Biological Sciences
The Basis of Life: – Cell Structures and Functions (Subcellular Organelles such as Nucleus, Mitochondria and Ribosomes).
Biomolecules: – Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates and Enzymes.
Plant and Animal Kingdom: – A brief survey of plant and animal kingdom to pinpoint similarities and diversities in nature.
A Brief Account of Human Physiology.Common Diseases and Epidemics: – Polio, Diarrhea, Malaria, Hepatitis, Dengue their Causes and Prevention.New Model Concept of Producing BIO Fuel Method
III. Environmental Science
Environment: – The Atmosphere (Layered Structure and Composition), Hydrosphere (Water Cycle, Major Water Compartments), Biosphere (Major Biomes) and Lithosphere (Minerals and Rocks, Rock Types, Plate Tectonics). Atmospheric Pollution: – Types, Sources, Causes and effects of major air
pollutants (COx, Particulate Matter, NOx, SOx, Tropospheric Ozone, Volatile Organic Compounds, Dioxins). Regional and Global air pollution issues (Acid-rain, Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming). International agreements on air pollution control (Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol).Water Pollution:- Types, sources, causes and effects of major water pollutants(Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Oxygen Demanding Wastes, Plant Nutrients, Thermal Pollution, Infectious Agents, Sediments, Radioactivity, Heavy Metals and Acids).Drinking water quality and standards.
Land Pollution: – Solid waste management and disposal.
Role of Remote Sensing and GIS in Environmental Science.
Population Planning.
IV. Food Science
Concept of Balance Diet: – Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats and oil,Minerals, Fiber.Quality of Food:- Bioavailability of Nutrients, Appearance, Texture, Flavor, Quality of Packed and Frozen Food, Food Additives, Preservatives and Antioxidants Food Deterioration and its Control: – Causes of Food Deterioration, Adulteration,
Food Preservation.
V. Information Technology
Computer (Hardware & Software Fundamentals); I/O Processing and data storage, Networking & Internet Standards, Application and business Software, Social Media Websites. Information Systems. Fundamentals of artificial intelligence.Telecommunications: – Basics of Wireless Communication (Mobile, Satellite, Surveillance and GPS and Fiber Optic etc.
Part-II (General Ability) 40 Marks
VI. Quantitative Ability/Reasoning
Basic Mathematical Skills.
Concepts and ability to reasons quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting.Basic Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry (Average, Ratios, Rates, Percentage,Angles, Triangles, Sets, Remainders, Equations, Symbols, Rounding of Numbers Random Sampling
VII. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning/Ability
Logical Reasoning includes the process of using a rational, systematic series of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion
Analytical Reasoning/Ability includes visualizing, articulating and solving both complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and making decisions that are sensible based on available information, including demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information.
VIII. Mental Abilities
Mental Abilities Scales that measures specific constructs such as verbal,mechanical, numerical and social ability.


Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of history, politics and International Affairs, as deemed neces sary to interpret current affairs.
I. Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs (20 marks)
II. Pakistan’s External Affairs (40 marks)
Pakistan’s relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia)Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim World (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia,Turkey) Pakistan’s relations with the United States Pakistan’s relations with Regional and International Organizations (UN, SAARC,ECO, OIC, WTO, CW)
III. Global Issues (40 marks)
International Security
International Political Economy
Human Rights
Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord
Population: world population trends, world population policies
Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
Global Energy Politics
Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security
Nuclear Politics in South Asia
International Trade (Doha Development Round and Bali Package)
Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.Millennium Development Goals, Current Status,
Middle East Crisis
Kashmir Issue
Palestine Issue

I. Ideology of Pakistan—–definition and elucidation, historical aspects: Muslim rule in the Sub-Continent, its downfall and efforts for Renaissance. Movements for reforms– Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed,Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, and other educational institutions——-Sindh Madrassah and Islamia College Peshawae. Ideology of Pakistan in the light of
Speeches and statements of Allama Iqbal and Quaid- i Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
II. Land and people of Pakistan——- Geography, Society, Natural resources,Agriculture, Industry and education with reference to characteristics, trends and problems.
III. Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus
IV. Nuclear Program of Pakistan, its Safety and Security; International Concerns
V. Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC,ECO,SCO) and the Role of Pakistan
VI. Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan
VII. Economic Challenges in Pakistan
VIII. Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors
IX. Pakistan’s Role in the Region
X. Palestine Issue
XI. Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National Security of Pakistan
XII. Political Evolution Since 1971
XIII. Pakistan and US War on Terror
XIV. Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11
XV. Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan
XVI. Ethnic Issues and National Integration
XVII. Hydro Politics ; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context
XVIII. Pakistan’s National Interest
XIX. Challenges to Sovereignty
XX. Pakistan’s Energy Problems and their Effects
XXI. Pakistan’s Relations with Neighbors excluding India
XXII. Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947
XXIII. Kashmir Issue
XXIV. The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges to Pakistan,
in the Post 2014 era.
XXV. Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements
XXVI. Economic Conditions of Pakistan, the Most Recent Economic Survey, the Previous
and Current Budgets, and the Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of Economy.
XXVII. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional Amendments and Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts.
XXVIII. The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal with Them,Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitation.


I. Introduction of Islam.
Concept of Islam.
Importance of Deen in Human Life.
Difference between Deen and Religion.
Distinctive Aspects of Islam.
Islamic Beliefs & its Impact on Individual & Society and the Fundamental of Islam
Islamic Worships: Spiritual, Moral and Social Impact.

II. Study of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (PBAH) as Role Model for:-· Individual
Military Strategist
Peace Maker
III. Human Rights & Status of Woman in Islam.
Human Rights and Status of Woman in Islam
Dignity of Men and Women

IV. Islamic Civilization and Culture:
Meanings and the Vital Elements
Role of Civilization in Development of Human Personality and Communities
Distinctions of Islamic Civilization (Tauheed, Spiritualism, Dignity of Man, Equality,
Social Justice, Moral Values, Tolerance, Rule of Law)

V. Islam and World.
Impact of Islamic Civilization on the West and Vice Versa
The Role of Islam in the Modern World.
Muslim World and the Contemporary Challenges.
Rise of Extremism.

VI. Public Administration and Governance in Islam
Concept of Public Administration in Islam
Quranic Guidance on Good Governance
Concept of Governance and its Applications in the light of Quran, Sunnah and Fiqh.
Governance Structure in Islam i.e. (Shura, Legislation, Sources of Islamic Law)
Governance under Pious Khelifat
Particular letters of Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) to different Authority.
Responsibilities of Civil Servants
System of Accountability in Islam

VII. Islamic Code of Life.
Salient Features of Islamic Systems, Social System, Political System, Economic
System, Judicial System, Administrative System,
Procedure of Ijmah and Ijtehad