CSS Current Affairs MCQs Paper


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1: The international Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as world peace day, is observed annually on:
a) 21st september
b) 23rd september
c) 12th October
d) None of these.

2: International day for the Elimination of Violence against Racial Discrimination is observed annyally on:
a) 23rd May
b) 21st March
c) 01st March
d) None of these.

Everyday Science MCQS CSS

3: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed annually on:
a) 25th December
b) 23rd November
c) 25th November
d) None of these.

4: Marin Luther KIng, Jr.Was an clergyman, activist and leader. He is famous for:
a) Civil rights Movement using non-violence disobedience in USA.
b) Civil rights Movement using violence in South Africa
c) Civil rights Movement using non-violence civil disbodience in India
d) Civil rights Movement using non-violence in Costa Rica

5: Which of the following Country has absolutely no military forces?
a) Costa Rica
b) Japan
c) Iceland
d) None of these

6: NATO headquarters are located in:
a) Birmingham
b) Barcelona
c) Baltimore
d) None of these.

7: The SAARC is an organisation of South asian nations. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC?
a) Maldives
b) Myanmar
c) Bhutan
d) None of these.

8: The UNO uses the Human development Index to:
a) predict, in order to prevent, which countries are most likely to engage in ethnic cleansing.
b) demonstrate how well a country is providing for its people’s welfare and security.
c) predict the %age of displaced people that will leave a failed state.
d) prove that the Global South is not as poor as some have argued.

9: Which of the following states has not ratified teh Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty(CTBT)?
a) Canada.
b) France
c) United States.
d) None of these.

10: The most significant greenhouse gas is:
a) Ozone
b) ChloroFluorocarbons
c) carbonDioxide
d) None of these.

11: An Index that estimates the true rate of exchange among currencies is:
a) Human Development Index.
b) Exchange Rate.
c) Purchasing Power Parity.
d) None of these.

12: The idea that leaders initiate foreign conflicts in order to distract public opinion from controversial domestic policies is called:
a) Diversionary Theory of war.
b) Democratic peace Theory.
c) Autocratic Rule
d) None of these.

13: The lowest %age of internet users is found in:
a) North America
b) Africa
c) Australia
d) None of these.

14: The most prosperous member of global south, which have become important exporters and markets for the major industrialised countries are known as:
a) Newly Industrialised countries.
b) Developed Nations
c) Asian Tigers
d) None of these.

15: In international Relations, a global system containing two dominant powers is labelled with which of the terms?
a) Bipolar
b) Nationalist
c) Isolationist
d) None of these

16: The Axis powers in World War II did not include:
a) Germany
b) the Soviet Union
c) Italy
d) None of these

17: The position that a single dominant power can promote world peace came from :
a) balance-of-power
b) Socialist
c) Hegemonic stability
d) None of these

18: The US ambassador, J.Christopher Stevens was killed by millitants in :
a) Tripoli, Libya
b) Misrata, Libya
c) Benghazi, Libya
d) None of these

19: ——– explains how rational self-interested behaviour by individuals may have a destructive collective effect.
a) Tragedy of the commons
b) Population implosion.
c) carrying capacity
d) None of these

20: The process through which a country increases its capacity to meet its citizens’ basic human needs and raise their standard of living is called:
a) Self-determination
b) Democratisation
c) Development
d) None of these