Chemistry Solved MCQS for KMU CAT Entry Test Sample Papers

Chemistry Solved MCQS for KMU CAT Entry Test Practice. Download mcqs in pdf for practice. Important mcqs for kmu cat exam

Q.1 The coordination number of Na+ in NaCl crystal is:
A) 6 C) 4
B) 2 D) 8

Q.2 There are four gases H2, He, N2 and CO2 at 0 °C. Which gas shows greater non-ideal behavior?
A) He C) H2
B) CO2 D) N2

Q.3 Correct order of energy in the given subshells is:
A) 5s > 3d > 3p > 4s C) 3p > 3d > 5s > 4s
B) 5s > 3d > 4s > 3p D) 3p > 3d > 4s > 5s

Q.4 In crystal lattice of ice, each O-atom of water molecule is attached to:
A) Four H-atoms C) One H-atom
B) Three H-atoms D) Two H-atoms

Q.5 Heat of formation (ΔHf°) for CO2 is:
A) -394 kJ/mole C) -294 kJ/mole
B) +394 kJ/mole D) -390 kJ/mole

Q.6 Reactants have high energy than products in:
A) Exothermic reactions C) Photochemical reactions
B) Endothermic reactions D) Non-spontaneous reactions

Q.7 If 18.0 g of glucose is dissolved in 1 kg of water, boiling point of this solution should be:
A) 100.52 °C C) 100.052 °C
B) 100.00 °C D) Less than 100 °C

Q.8 Molal freezing point constant of water is:
A) 1.86 C) 11.86
B) 2.86 D) 0.52

Q.9 What is the trend of melting and boiling point of the elements of short periods as we move from
left to right in a periodic table?
A) Melting and boiling points first decrease then C) Melting and boiling points first increase then
increase decrease B) Melting and boiling points increase gradually D) Melting and boiling points decrease gradually

Q.10 Along a period, atomic radius decreases. This gradual decrease in radius is due to:
A) Increase in number of electrons in valence shells C) Decrease in number of shells
B) Increase in number of protons in the nucleus D) Increase in number of shells

Q.11 Alkaline earth metal oxides react with water to give hydroxides. The solubility of alkaline earth
metal oxides in water increases as we move from top to bottom in a group. Which of the
following alkaline earth metal oxides is least soluble in water?
A) MgO C) BaO
B) CaO D) SrO

Q.12 Oxidation state of ‘Fe’ in K3[Fe(CN)6] is:
A) +2 C) -6
B) +3 D) -3

Q.13 The nature of an aqueous solution of ammonia (NH3) is:
A) Amphoteric C) Acidic
B) Neutral D) Basic

Q.14 Unpolluted rain water has a pH of:
A) 4.9 C) 5.3
B) 5.6 D) 7.0

Q.15 In comparison with oxygen gas, a strong triple bond is present between two nitrogen
atoms in a molecule and therefore nitrogen gas is:
A) Highly reactive gas C) Moderately reactive gas
B) Completely inert like noble gases D) Very less reactive gas

Q.16 The catalyst used in the Haber’s process is:
A) Magnesium oxide C) Silicon oxide
B) Aluminium oxide D) Iron crystals with metal oxide promoters

Q.17 The formation of ester from acetic acid in presence of acid and ethanol is a:
A) Nucleophilic substitution reaction C) Electrophilic substitution reaction
B) Nucleophilic addition reaction D) Electrophilic addition reaction

Q.18 Methyl cyanides, on boiling with mineral acids or alkalis yield:
A) Acetic acid C) Propanoic acid
B) Formic acid D) Butanoic acid

Q.19 The amino acids which largely exist in dipolar ionic form are:
A) Acidic amino acids C) Beta amino acids
B) Basic amino acids D) Alpha amino acids

Q.20 Both ribose and deoxyribose are monosaccharides containing _______ carbon atoms.
A) Four C) Five
B) Six D) Seven

Q.21 The increased quantities of cholesterol in blood make plaque like deposits in the arteries
A) Cholera C) Heart attack
B) Down’s syndrome D) Phenylketonuria

Q.22 Polyvinyl chloride is an example of:
A) Condensation polymer C) Biopolymer
B) Addition polymer D) Thermosetting polymer

Q.23 Collagen is a fibrous protein present most abundantly in:
A) Hair C) Tendons
B) Nail D) Arteries

Q.24 Animals store glucose in the form of glycogen in:
A) Stomach C) Liver and muscles
B) Mouth D) Small intestine

Q.25Aerobic decomposition of organic matter i.e. glucose by bacteria in water sediments produces:
A) Propene C) Methane
B) Ethane D) Butane

Q.26 The yellowish-brown color in photochemical smog is due to the presence of:
A) Sulphur dioxide C) Carbon dioxide
B) Carbon monoxide D) Nitrogen dioxide

Q.27 The number of molecules in 9 g of ice (H2O) is
A) 6.02 x 1024 C) 3.01 x 1024
B) 6.02 x 1023 D) 3.01 x 1023

Q.28 Ice is less dense than water at:
A) 0 oC C) -4 oC
B) 4 oC D) 2 oC

Q.29 At a given temperature and pressure, the one which shows marked deviation from ideal
behavior is
A) N2 C) CO2
B) N3 D) He

Q.30 Which one of the following compound is a ketone?
A) CH3 ― O ― CH2 ― CH3 C) CH3COCOOH
B) CH3 ― CO ― CH2 ― CH3 D) CH3 ― CH2CHO

Q.31 Addition of unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetrical alkene is governed by:
A) Cannizzaro’s Reaction C) Aldol Condensation
B) Kirchhoff Rule D) Markownikov’s Rule

Q.32 Ethylene glycols are used as
A) Anesthetic C) Freezing agent
B) Knocking agent D) Anti-freezing agent

Q.33 Which one of the following base is NOT present in RNA?
A) Cytosine C) Thymine
B) Adenine D) Guanine

Q.34 Collagen proteins are present in _____________ throughout the body
A) Muscle C) Tendons
B) Red blood cells D) Blood plasma

Q.35 ___________ is an eye irritant.
A) Peroxyacetyl nitrate C) Peroxymethoxy aniline
B) Peroxyacetyl nitrite D) Peroxyacetyl aniline