Chapter-9 Questions with Answers English 10th

Chapter-9 Questions with Answers English 10th Selecting the Right Career. Class 10 English unit 9 question answers book excercise and lesson simple in pdf free download.

Questions Answer from Text Book Exercise

1. What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?

Answer: The famous careers for the young people in the past were to be a doctor, a pilot or an engineer.

2. Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds? Why?

Answer: Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds because life has become more dynamic and innovative.

3. What is meant by the “right profession”?

Answer: A profession that gives respect, money and mental peace is called “right profession”.

4. Why is it important to consider the scope of any field?

Answer: It is important to consider the scope of any field because it helps you to select a right profession.

5. Is there any need of proper career counseling department? Why?

Answer: Yes, career counseling department is very important because it helps the students to select right profession.

6. How can career counselors help the young people?

Answer: They can help the young people by suggesting them the right professions.

7. Which career do you want to opt for? Give reasons.

Answer: I want to be a teacher because I want to spread knowledge in my village.

From Lesson:

1. In past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot?

Answer: Because these professions were thought to be more respectable and paying in the past.

2. Explain the phrase “profitable livelihood”?

Answer: It means a paying profession.

3. How do career counselors help you choose the right profession?

Answer: They help us choose a right profession because they know the market trends.

4. Which of these professions have interested you the most? Why?

Answer: I want to be a teacher because I want to spread knowledge in my village.

Unit-10 Questions with Answers