General Knowledge Encyclopedia

World Famous Personalities Profiles

Name About him Abraham Lincoln (1809-’65) Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the U.S.A. from 1861 to 1865 and was returned from the Republican Party. He opposed slavery and was a great champion of democracy. He was assassinated in 1865. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Franklin was a famous American philosopher and statesman who actively helped

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List of SI Units

Quantity Length Mass Time Work and Energy Electric Current Temperature Intensity of flame Angle Solid angle Force Area Volume Speed Angle Velocity Frequency Moment of inertia Momentum Impulse Angular Momentum Pressure Power Surface tension Viscosity Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat capacity Electric charge Potential Difference Electric Resistance Electrical Capacity Magnetic Induction Magnetic Flux Or photometric power

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Names of World famous Parliaments

Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) Nepal Rashtriya Panchayat Pakistan National Assembly Denmark Folketing Britain Parliament (House of commons and House of Lords) Russia Duma and Federal Council Germany Bundstag (Lower House) and Bundesrat (Upper House) China National people’s Congress Switzerland Federal Assembly France National Assembly U.S.A. Congress (house of Representatives and Senate) Turkey

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