Cadet College Swat Entry Test Syllabus Pattern Sample Past Papers

Cadet College Swat Entry Test Syllabus Pattern Sample Past Papers 8th Class

Cadet College Swat Paper composition

English Paper (100 mraks)

Q1.      (a)  Do as directed (use of articles a, an, the and grammer ) – 20 marks

10 parts each having 2 marks

(b)  correction of spellings by one letter                           –           10 marks

10 words with one mark each

(c)        Make useful sentences from the given 5 words            –           10 marks

Each sentence carries 2 marks

(d)       Re arrange the general sentences given                        –           10 marks

Each sentence carries 2 marks

Q2.      Write an essay of 100 words on any one from the 3 given topics    –   15 marks

Q3.      Write a letter OR application                                                          –           15 marks

Q4.      (a)  Translate the following into urdu                                           –           10 marks

5 sentences will be given. Each of 2 marks

(b) Translate the following into English                                       –           10 marks

5 sentences will be given. Each of 2 marks


Math & Science Paper (100 marks)



Q1.      Fill in the blanks                                                                              –           12 marks

8-10 from maths

2-4 from science

Each carries 2 marks


Q2.      Attempt any 6 from the given 8 questions                                   –           60 marks

Each question carries 10 marks


Q3.      Attempt any 4 from the given 5 questions                                   –           28 marks

Each question carries 7 marks