USA History General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions MCQs Practice Test

(1) The battle of Bull Run was fought in:

(a) The American War of Independence
(b) The American Civil War
(c) The US-Spanish War

(2) Panama Canal was officially opened in the year:

(a) 1812
(b) 1906
(c) 1914

(3) The Peace Treaty of American Independence in 1783 was signed in the city of:

(a) Philadelphia
(b) London
(c) Paris

(4) Which one of the following enjoys the title of “Father of American Constitution”:

(a) Jefferson
(b) Washington
(c) Madison

(5) The first Ten Amendments to the Constitution of US ratified in 1791 are known as:

(a) Bill of Constitution
(b) Bill of Rights
(c) Bill of Justice
(6) Total articles in United States Constitution are:

(a) XIII
(c) VXI
(d) None of these

(7) Atlantic Charter dates back to:

(a) 1946
(b) 1941
(c) 1827

(8) Attack on Pearl Harbour took place in:

(a) 1918
(b) 1941
(c) 1939

(9) _____________ was the second state of ratify the constitution.

(a) Maine
(b) New York
(c) Pennsylvania
(10) The Civil Right Act was passed in:

(a) 1964
(b) 1965
(c) 1966

(11) Louis Armstrong was a:

(a) Pianist
(b) Drummer
(c) Trumpeter

(12) ‘Four Freedoms’ were announced by:

(a) Truman
(b) Wilson
(c) FDR

(13) Affirmative Action policy is to help:

(a) Whites
(b) Blacks
(c) Women
(d) None of these
(14) American Colonization Society was to:

(a) Support American expansionism
(b) Support anti slavery movement
(c) Settle Negros in Africa

(15) The only President to enjoy four terms:

(a) George Washington
(b) Thomson Jefferson
(c) Andrew Jackson
(d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(16) The ‘Gold Rush’ of California occurred in:

(a) 1848
(b) 1862
(c) 1865
(d) 1914

(17) Next to Cotton the most valuable American export in 1860 was:

(a) Cotton manufacturers
(b) Tobacco
(c) Wheat
(d) Lumber