Lecturer Past Papers

PPSC Lecturer Zoology MCQs Sample Past Papers

26) Oxygen transport from lungs to tissue occurs through: (a) Difference in pressure (b) Solubility in plasma  (c) Attachment with RBC surface (d) None of these (e) All of these 27) FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is produced in: (a) Ovary (b) Hypothalamus (c) Pituatary (d) None of these (e) All of these (28) Lipase is […]

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PPSC Lecturer Botany MCQs Sample Past Papers

PPSC Lecturer Botany MCQs Sample Past Papers Lecturer Botany MCQs Past Papers Notes Unsolved Practice Test (1) Oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from: (a) CO2 (b) Carboxylic acid (c) Glucose (d) Protein (e) None of these (2) Chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells of C4 plants do not contain: (a) Grana (b) Stroma (c) Thylakoids (d)

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PPSC Lecturer Political Science Sample MCQs Past Paper

PPSC Lecturer Political Science Sample MCQs Past Paper (26) Filibustering is a device practiced in : (A) British Parliament (B) French Parliament (C) American Congress (D) None of these (27) Kangroo Closure is a procedure followed by the Law-making body of: (A) Britain (B) USSR (C) America (D) None of these Read Also: Political Science

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