Pakistan Studies Sample MCQs Question Paper for Lecturer and Subject Specialist Exams of Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore

Pakistan Studies Sample MCQs Question Paper for Lecturer and Subject Specialist Exams of Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore.

Q No: 01. What do we call the ancient civilization of Pakistan?

(a) Mesopotamia Civilization

(b) Indus Valley Civilization

(c) Chinese Civilization

(d) Greek Civilization


Q No: 02. When was the Indus Valley Civilization in existence?

(a) 5000 B.C

(b) 4000 B.C

(c) 3000 B.C

(d) 2000 B.C


Q No: 03. What the foremost nation of Indus Valley Civilization is Called?

(a) Aryans

(b) Greeks

(c) Persian

(d) Dravidians

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Q No: 04. Which were the main centres of Indus Valley Civilization?

(a) Hyderabad & Mirpurkhas

(b) Karachi & Lahore

(c) Moen-jo-Daro & Harrapa

(d) Peshawer & Quetta


Q No: 05. Under whose leadership India was attacked by Greeks?

(a) Cyrus I

(b) Genghis Khan

(b) Alexandar The Great

(d) Asoka


Q No: 06. Who is the founder of Jainism?

(a) Asoka

(b) Sidharth

(c) Chankya

(d) Mahavira


Q No: 07. Who founded the Buddhism?

(a) Deepak

(b) Chach

(c) Sidharth

(d) Raja Dahir


Q No: 08. In which year the Arabs conquered India?

(a) 127 A.D

(b) 271 A.D

(c) 217 A.D

(d) 712 A.D


Q No: 08. Who was the commander of Arabs during Arab conquest of India?

(a) Mohammad Bin Hashim

(b) Mohammad Bin Qasim

(c) Mohammad Bin Rehman

(d) Mohammad Bin Wasim


Q No: 09. IN which part of India Islam came firstly?

(a) Sindh

(b) Punjab

(c) Bengal

(d) Baluchistan


Q No: 10. Who was the ruler of Sindh before Arab Invasion?

(a) Bihar Mal

(b) Prithivi Raj

(c) Raja Dahir

(d) Madan Mohan


Q No: 11. How many expeditions on India were made by Sultan Mehmood of Ghazna?

(a) 7

(b) 17

(c) 27

(d) 37


Q No: 12. Who established Mughal Dynasty in India?

(a) Akbar

(b) Aurangzeb

(c) Jahangir

(d) Babur


Q No: 13. In which year Mughal Empire was established?

(a) 2615

(b) 1526

(c) 1625

(d) 1256


Q No: 14. Who introduced Deen-e-Elahi in India?

(a) Humaiyoon

(b) Shahjahan

(c) Akbar

(d) Bahadur Shah


Q No: 15. In which disguise did Britains arrive in India?

(a) Traders

(b) Warriors

(c) Scholars

(d) Tourists


Q No: 16. In which year battle of Plassy took place?

(a) 1575

(b) 1757

(c) 1857

(d) 1657


Q No: 17. Who was the last Mughal Empror of India?

(a) Auranzeb

(b) Shah Alam

(c) Bahadur Shah

(d) Sher Shah


Q No: 18. In which year Britain Government abolish East India Company

through Queen’s Proclamation?

(a) 1855

(b) 1856

(c) 1857

(d) 1858


Q No: 19. Who was declared responsible of Mutiny of 1857 by British Empire?

(a) Muslims

(b) Hindus

(c) Sikhs

(d) Untouchables


Q No: 20. Who is called the Pioneer of Two Nations Theory?

(a) Allama Iqbal

(b) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(c) Choudhary Rehmat Ali

(d) Sir Agha Khan


Q No: 21. After which incident Two Nations Theory was presented?

(a) War of Independence

(b) Simla Deputation

(c) Urdu Hindi Controversy

(d) Partition of Bengal


Q No: 22. In which year Two Nations Theory was presented?

(a) 1860

(b) 1865

(c) 1870

(d) 1867


Q No: 23. When Shah Wali Ullah was born?

(a) 1403

(b) 1503

(c) 1603

(d) 1703


Q No: 24. What was real name of Shah Wali Ullah?

(a) Mohiuddin

(b) Qutubuddin

(c) Fariduddin

(d) Nizamuddin


Q No: 25. When third battle of Panipat was fought?

(a) 1741

(b) 1751

(c) 1761

(d) 1771


Q No: 26. Who dfeated Marathas in third battle of Panipat?

(a) Shah Wali Ullah

(b) Ahmed Shah Abdali

(c) Syed Ahmed Shaheed

(d) Titu Mir Shaheed


Q No: 27. Who was defeated by Babar in first battle of Panipat?

(a) Prithviraj Chuhan

(b) Raja Dahir

(c) Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi

(d) Bihar Mal


Q No: 28. Who started Aligarh Movement?

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(b) Quaid-e-Azam

(c) Liaquat Ali Khan

(d) Sir Agha Khan


Q No: 29. Who wrote the pamphlet “Causes of Indian Revolt”?

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(b) Quaid-e-Azam

(c) Liaquat Ali Khan

(d) Sir Agha Khan


Q No: 30. In which year Sir Syed established Scientific Society?

(a) 1844

(b) 1854

(c) 1864

(d) 1874


Q No: 31. In which year Sir Syed established Mohammadan Educational Conference?

(a) 1884

(b) 1885

(c) 1886

(d) 1887


Q No: 32. In which year Sir Syed founded Mohammadan Anglo Oriental School?

(a) 1875

(b) 1877

(c) 1879

(d) 1881


Q No: 33. In which year Mohammadan Anglo Oriental School was upgraded to college level?

(a) 1877

(b) 1887

(c) 1897

(d) 1907


Q No: 34. When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born?

(a) 17 Oct 1807

(b) 17 Oct 1817

(c) 17 Oct 1827

(d) 17 Oct 1837


Q No: 35. When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was died?

(a) 1880

(b) 1888

(c) 1890

(c) 1898


Q No: 36. When Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi was born?

(a) 1786

(b) 1585

(c) 1985

(d) 1885


Q No: 37. When Haji Shariat Ullah was born?

(a) 1678

(b) 1768

(c) 1876

(d) 1976


Q No: 38. Who started Faraizi Movement?

(a) Haji Shariat Ullah

(b) Ahmed Shah Abdali

(c) Syed Ahmed Shaheed

(d) Titu Mir Shaheed


Q No: 39. Who Started Jihad Movement against Marathas and was martyred at Balakot?

(a) Shah Wali Ullah

(b) Ahmed Shah Abdali

(c) Syed Ahmed Shaheed

(d) Titu Mir Shaheed


Q No: 40. In which year Indian National Congress was established?

(a) 1880

(b) 1885

(c) 1890

(d) 1895


Q No: 41. Who established Indian National Congress?

(a) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

(b) Motilal Nehru

(c) Allen Octrain Hume

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru


Q No: 42. Who was first President of Indian National Congress?

(a) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

(b) Motilal Nehru

(c) Allen Octrain Hume

(d) W.C Benarji


Q No: 43. In which year Simla Deputation visited Viceroy of India?

(a) 1900

(b) 1903

(c) 1906

(d) 1907


Q No: 44. In which year Partition of Bengal took place?

(a) 1905

(b) 1908

(c) 1910

(d) 1917


Q No: 45. Who partitioned Bengal into two parts?

(a) Lord Minto

(b) Lord Curzon

(c) Lord Wavell

(d) Lord Atlee


Q No: 46. Partition of Bengal was beneficial for?

(a) Muslims

(b) Hindus

(c) Sikhs

(d) Untouchables


Q No: 47. In which year Partition of Bengal was annulted?

(a) 1907

(b) 1908

(c) 1910

(d) 1911


Q No: 48. In which year’s reforms Muslims’ demand of Separate Electorate was accepted?

(a) 1905

(b) 1908

(c) 1909

(d) 1915


Q No: 49. What is the other name of Act 1909?

(a) Curzon Atlee Reforms

(b) Minto Morlay Reforms

(c) Montigu Chelmsford Reforms

(d) Irwin Wavell Reforms


Q No: 50. How many Muslims visited Viceroy in Simla Deputation?

(a) 29

(b) 58

(c) 44

(d) 35


Q No: 51. When All India Muslim League was established?

(a) 30 Dec 1905

(b) 30 Dec 1906

(c) 30 Aug 1906

(d) 30 Aug 1905


Q No: 52. Who was the first President of All India Muslim League?

(a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(b) Sir Allama Iqbal

(c) Sir Mohammad Shafi

(d) Sir Agha Khan


Q No: 53. In which city the foundation of All India Muslim League laid?

(a) London

(b) Bombay

(c) Dhaka

(d) Karachi


Q No: 54. What was All India Muslim League?

(a) A Political Party

(b) A Cricket Team

(c) A Troop of Soldiers

(d) None of these


Q No: 55. Due to which reason Bengal was partitioned into two parts?

(a) Water Crisis

(b) Military Intervention

(c) Administrative Issues

(d) Religious Affairs


Q No: 56. When did Quaid-e-Azam join Indian National Congress?

(a) 1905

(b) 1908

(c) 1906

(d) 1907


Q No: 57. When did Quaid-e-Azam join All India Muslim League?

(a) 1910

(b) 1911

(c) 1912

(d) 1913


Q No: 58. In which year Ist World War started?

(a) 1912

(b) 1914

(c) 1916

(d) 1918


Q No: 59. In which year Ist World War ended?

(a) 1912

(b) 1914

(c) 1916

(d) 1918


Q No: 60. What are the names of those two brave Muslim leaders who launched

Khilafat Movement?

(a) Mohammad Ali Johar & Shoukat Ali

(b) Choudhary Rehmat & Liaquat Ali Khan

(c) Sir Syed & Shah Wali Ullah

(d) Quaid-e-Azam & Allama Iqbal


Q No: 61. When Khilafat Movement was unofficially launched?

(a) July 1919

(b) July 1918

(c) October 1919

(d) January 1918


Q No: 62. When Khilafat Movement was officially launched?

(a) July 1919

(b) July 1918

(c) October 1919

(d) January 1918


Q No: 63. What was the reason behind the launch of Khilafat Movement?

(a) Social Reason

(b) Religious Reason

(c) Economical Reason

(d) Political Reason


Q No: 64. In Khilafat Movement which Holy Place of Muslims was targeted by

the British Empire in Ist World War?

(a) Faisal Masjid

(b) Karbala

(c) Ottoman Empire

(d) Masjid Aqsa


Q No: 65. In which country Ottoman Empire existed?

(a) Iraq

(b) Turkey

(c) Syria

(d) Afghanistan


Q No: 66. Why the Ottoman Empire was respectful for the Muslims?

(a) Due to Last Caliphate of Muslims

(b) Due to Wealth & Power

(c) Due to Modern Technology

(d) Due to Weather Conditions


Q No: 67. Who abolished Ottoman Empire after Ist World War?

(a) Lord Mountbatten

(b) Mohandas Gandhi

(c) Kamal Pasha Atta Turk

(d) Adolf Hitler


Q No: 68. In which year Ottoman Empire was abolished?

(a) 1924

(b) 1920

(c) 1922

(d) 1918


Q No: 69. What is the name of only session held between All India Muslim

League & Indian National Congress?

(a) Round Table Conference

(b) Simla Agreement

(c) Geneva Pact

(d) Lucknow Pact


Q No: 70. In which year Lucknow Pact was signed?

(a) 1915

(b) 1916

(c) 1917

(d) 1918


Q No: 71. Who played a vital role in bringing Congress & Muslim League on

a same platform called Lucknow Pact?

(a) Mohandas Gandhi

(b) Queen Elizabeth

(c) Quaid-e-Azam

(d) King George V


Q No: 72. For his services in Lucknow Pact, what title was given to M.A. Jinnah?

(a) Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity

(b) Ambassador of Love

(c) Ambassador of Friendship

(d) Ambassador of Peace


Q No: 73. In Lucknow Pact which demand of Muslims was accepted by Congress?

(a) Separate Country

(b) Separate Electorate

(c) Separate Constitution

(d) Separate Language


Q No: 74. After 1909 when the other Act was presented by British Empire?

(a) 1919

(b) 1920

(c) 1922

(d) 1925


Q No: 75. What is the other name Act 1919?

(a) Curzon Irwin Reforms

(b) Minto Morlay Reforms

(c) Atlee Clive Reforms

(d) Montigu Chelmsford Reforms


Q No: 76. In which year did Quaid-e-Azam resign from Congress?

(a) 1910

(b) 1915

(c) 1920

(d) 1925


Q No: 77. To review the constitutional problems of India which group was sent

by Britain Government?

(a) Cabinet Commission

(b) Cripps Commission

(c) Rowlett Commission

(d) Simon Commission


Q No: 78. In which year Simon Commission arrived in India?

(a) 1923

(b) 1925

(c) 1927

(d) 1929


Q No: 79. How many members were there in Simon Commission?

(a) 08

(b) 06

(c) 04

(d) 02


Q No: 80. What was reaction of major political parties of India to Simon Commission?

(a) They welcomed them

(b) They killed them

(c) They sent them back

(d) They boycotted them


Q No: 81. What was result of visit of Simon Commission?

(a) Successful

(b) Failure

(c) Undecided

(d) None of these


Q No: 82. In which year Nehru Report was published?

(a) 1918

(b) 1923

(c) 1928

(d) 1933


Q No: 83. Who prepared Nehru Report?

(a) Mr. Motilal Nehru

(b) Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Mr. Chamanlal Nehru

(d) Mr. Shankarlal Nehru


Q No: 84. About what the Nehru Report was prepared?

(a) Religion

(b) Culture

(c) Future Constitution

(d) Terrorism


Q No: 85. Which community was entirely deprived of its rights in Nehru Report?

(a) Christian

(b) Hindu

(c) Sikh

(d) Muslim


Q No: 86. To reply Nehru Report what formula was given by Mr. Jinnah?

(a) Jinnah Draft

(b) M.A. Formula

(c) Fourteen Points

(d) Jinnah Report


Q No: 87. In which year Mr. Jinnah presented his golden Fourteen Points?

(a) 1929

(b) 1930

(c) 1931

(d) 1932


Q No: 88. About what Fourteen Points were prepared?

(a) Separate Homeland

(b) Future Constitution

(c) Law & Order

(d) Foreign Policy


Q No: 89. In which year Allahabad Adress was delivered?

(a) 1929

(b) 1920

(c) 1930

(d) 1939


Q No: 90. Who delivered the Presidential Adress at Allahabad?

(a) Quaid-e-Azam

(b) Allama Iqbal

(c) Liaquat Ali Khan

(d) Choudhary Rehman Ali


Q No: 91. What demand for Muslims was first time made in Allahabad Adress?

(a) Seperate Currency

(b) Sepetare Force

(c) Seperate Country

(d) Seperate Constitution


Q No: 92. In which year first RTC was called?

(a) 1930

(b) 1932

(c) 1934

(d) 1936


Q No: 93. In which year second RTC was called?

(a) 1939

(b) 1937

(c) 1933

(d) 1931


Q No: 94. In which year third RTC was called?

(a) 1936

(b) 1934

(c) 1932

(d) 1930


Q No: 95. When was Government of India Act drafted and implemented?

(a) 1931

(b) 1935

(c) 1939

(d) 1943


Q No: 96. In which year General Elections were held in India?

(a) 1917

(b) 1927

(c) 1937

(d) 1947


Q No: 97. Who won majorly in General Elections of 1937?

(a) Congress

(b) Muslim Leage

(c) Hindu Maha Sabha

(d) Khuddam-e-Kaa’ba


Q No: 98. When World War II started?

(a) 1937

(b) 1938

(c) 1939

(d) 1940


Q No: 99. In which year Congress Ministries resigned?

(a) 1945

(b) 1943

(d) 1941

(d) 1939


Q No: 100. when did the Muslims observe The Day of Delivarence?

(a) 22nd Dec 1939

(b) 22nd Nov 1939

(c) 22nd Oct 1939

(d) 22nd Sep 1939

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