Important English Vocabulary Words MCAT ECAT GRE TOEFL

Important English Vocabulary Words MCAT ECAT GRE TOEFL

1. Acupuncture
2. Aberration
3. Abnegate
4. Absolution
5. Abstruse
6. Acclimate
7. Accolade
8. Accrue
9. Acquiesce
10. Actuary
11. Acumen
12. Adamantine
13. Addled
14. Admonition
15. Adroitness
16. Affect
17. Affinity
18. Akimbo
19. Alacrity
20. Allay

21. Altruistic
22. Ambulatory
23. Ameliorate
24. Amenities
25. Amorphous
26. Analogue
27. Anaphylactic
28. Aneurysm
29. Angina
30. Anomaly
31. Anomie
32. Antagonist
33. Antibody
34. Apprehension
35. Aquaplane
36. Aquifer
37. Arbiter
38. Arboreal
39. Arcane
40. Archives
41. Articulated
42. Artifice
43. Ascetic
44. Aspersion
45. Assimilate
46. Assume
47. Atrophy
48. Attire
49. Audacious
50. August
51. Auspicious
52. Avid Avid
53. Bacchanal
54. Balk
55. Barbaric
56. Basilica
57. Batter
58. Beguile
59. Behest
60. Belated
61. Benediction
62. Beneficence
63. Benign
64. Bequeath
65. Berate
66. Beset
67. Bifurcated
68. Blandish
69. Blasphemous
70. Blathering
71. Blaze
72. Bloom
73. Bonk
74. Botanicals
75. Bouquet
76. Bowdlerize
77. Braille
78. Brambles
79. Brassy
80. Bravura
81. Bray
82. Brio
83. Broach
84. Broadside
85. Buckle
86. Buoyant
87. Burgeoning
88. Cachet
89. Caesarean
90. Caliph
91. Calisthenics
92. Camber
93. Cameo
94. Capital
95. Carapace
96. Cardigan
97. Career
98. Caricature
99. Cartographer
100. Cast
101. Catalyst
102. Catharsis
103. Caulk
104. Centennial
105. Chastise
106. Chiaroscuro
107. Chimerical
108. Chivalry
109. Chromosome
110. Churn
111. Chutzpah
112. Clamorous
113. Claret
114. Classic
115. Classical
116. Clement
117. Close
118. Coast
119. Cobble
120. Coccyx
121. Coercive
122. Collage
123. Comatose
124. Comely
125. Commiserate
126. Commute
127. Compact
128. Compatible
129. Complacent
130. Concerted
131. Conciliatory
132. Condone
133. Confiscatory
134. Confound
135. Congeal.
136. Congruent
137. Contemporary
138. Contiguous
139. Contravention
140. Contrive
141. Contusion
142. Coquetry
143. Cordial
144. Cordiality
145. Corked
146. Corollary
147. Corpuscle
148. Corroborating
149. Cosset
150. Coterie
151. Covert
152. Coveted
153. Crass
154. Craven
155. Crescent
156. Criterion
157. Cue
158. Cygnet
159. Cynical
160. Dale
161. Dam
162. Dappled
163. Dark horse
164. Deadhead
165. Debility
166. Debunk
167. Debut
168. Decant
169. Decelerate
170. Decorum
171. Decry
172. Deferential
173. Deferment
174. Delegate
175. Demographics
176. Demure
177. Denomination
178. Desiccate
179. Deuce
180. Devious
181. Dexter
182. Diffidence
183. Diffident
184. Diligence
185. Diligent
186. Discombobulate
187. Discourse
188. Discrepancy
189. Discretion
190. Disdain
191. Disingenuous
192. Dissension
193. Dissent
194. Dissenter
195. Dissonance
196. Divagate
197. Divulge
198. Docent
199. Dote
200. Downy
201. Droll
202. Dulcet
203. Dunce
204. Duplicitous
205. Effect
206. Effervescent
207. Electrolytes
208. Elicit
209. Elucidate
210. Elusive
211. Embed
212. Embedded
213. Emblazon
214. Emblematic
215. Emboss
216. Emit
217. Empathy
218. Emulate
219. Encumber
220. Encyclical
221. Enhance
222. Ennui
223. Epicenter
224. Equipoise
225. Equivocate
226. Ergometer
227. Eschew
228. Espalier
229. Ethic
230. Euphonious
231. Evanescent
232. Evasive
233. Evocative
234. Excavate
235. Execrable
236. Exhortation
237. Exonerate
238. Exploitation
239. Extemporaneous
240. Extrapolate
241. Extricate
242. Extrinsic
243. Fabricate
244. Facile
245. Facilitate
246. Fateful
247. Fawning
248. Feasible
249. Feckless
250. Felicitous
251. Felicity
252. Feral
253. Fermentation
254. Fiesta
255. Figment
256. Filigree
257. Finagle
258. Flaunt
259. Florid
260. Flux
261. Fop
262. Forswear
263. Frowsy
264. Gable
265. Galvanize
266. Gambit
267. Garnish
268. Gaudy
269. Genocide
270. Gesticulate
271. Gild
272. Glaucoma
273. Glaze
274. Glib
275. Glucose
276. Gradient
277. Grapevine
278. Green
279. Gridlock
280. Guileless
281. Guise
282. Gull
283. Guru
284. Hackles
285. Hail
286. Hammer and
287. Harangue
288. Hawk
289. Hector
290. Heinous
291. Herbicide
292. Herculean
293. Hermetic
294. Heterogeneous
295. Hiatus
296. Holistic-medicine
297. Homeopathy
298. Hone
299. Horse latitudes
300. Hue and cry
301. Humane
302. Hydra
303. Hypertension
304. Hypothermia
305. Idealist
306. Ilk
307. Illicit
308. Imam
309. Immobilize
310. Immolate
311. Impediment
312. Impending
313. Impetuous
314. Impetus
315. Impinge
316. Implacable
317. Importune
318. Imprecation
319. Impregnable
320. Improvise
321. Impute
322. Incarnate
323. Incentive
324. Incisive
325. Inculcate
326. Indigent
327. Ineradicable
328. Inertia
329. Infallible
330. Infidel
331. Infusion
332. Inherent
333. Innocuous
334. Innovate
335. Inoculate
336. Inordinate
337. Inquisition
338. Inscrutable
339. Inter
340. Intransigent
341. Intrinsic
342. Irrefutable
343. Isotroplc
344. Itinerant
345. Jackknife
346. Jaded
347. Jargon
348. Jell
349. Jeopardy
350. Jettison
351. Jig
352. Jihad
353. Jingoism
354. Jitney
355. Jocular
356. Jocund
357. Journeyman
358. Jubilee
359. Judicial
360. Judicious
361. Juncture
362. Junket
363. Junta
364. Justify
365. Juxtapose
366. Ken
367. Kiln
368. Kismet
369. Lacerating
370. Laconic
371. Lampoon
372. Lapidary
373. Largess
374. Latent
375. Lathe
376. Laud
377. Lee
378. Lemming
379. Ligament
380. Lineage
381. Lion’s share
382. Lipid
383. Lissome
384. Litter
385. Liturgy
386. Lucidity
387. Lulu
388. Macrame
389. Magnanimous
390. Magnum
391. Malevolence
392. Maneuver
393. Manicured
394. Manifestation
395. Matriculation
396. Mausoleum
397. Maverick
398. Mean
399. Medley
400. Menial
401. Mentor
402. Meritorious
403. Mesa
404. Mesmerize
405. Metabolism
406. Microcosm
407. Militate
408. Mirth
409. Misanthropy
410. Misapprehension
411. Mitigation
412. Modish
413. Monolithic
414. Monotheism
415. Montage
416. Moot
417. Morass
418. Moratorium
419. Mordant
420. Mosaic
421. Mosey
422. Mote
423. Motif
424. Motley
425. Mountebank
426. Mumbo jumbo
427. Murky
428. Muse
429. Must
430. Myriad
431. Nary
432. Nexus
433. Niche
434. Nike
435. Nip and tuck
436. Nuance
437. Nuclear family
438. Obeisance
439. Obliterate
440. Obsequious
441. Obstreperous
442. Obtuse
443. Odometer
444. Onerous
445. Onslaught
446. Onyx
447. Opaque
448. Opportune
449. Optimum
450. Orb
451. Orthodox
452. Overdraft
453. Pad
454. Paddy
455. Palatable
456. Palaver
457. Palazzo
458. Palpitation
459. Pampas
460. Pan
461. Pandemic
462. Par
463. Paradox
464. Paragon
465. Paramedic
466. Parameter
467. Parcel
468. Pare
469. Parlous
470. Paroxysm
471. Pathos
472. Patisserie
473. Pedestrian
474. Peerless
475. Pending
476. Peninsula
477. Perfidious
478. Perfidy
479. Perfunctory
480. Perimeter
481. Peripheral
482. Periphery
483. Permeate
484. Permutation
485. Peroration
486. Perpetuate
487. Perseverance
488. Perspicacious
489. Phlegmatic
490. Piety
491. Pilaster
492. Placate
493. Plague
494. Platonic
495. Pollex
496. Pomp
497. Portmanteau
498. Portray
499. Postulate
500. Potable
501. Potpourri
502. Precipitate
503. Précis
504. Preclude
505. Precursor
506. Predatory
507. Pre-emptive
508. Premise
509. Premonition
510. Preplate
511. Prevail
512. Prevalent
513. Prig
514. Primal
515. Privation
516. Procure
517. Prodigious
518. Prolific
519. Proponent
520. Proscription
521. Provender
522. Provident
523. Provocative
524. Prowess
525. Prune
526. Purchase
527. Putrid
528. Quadriceps
529. Quagmire
530. Quarter
531. Queasy
532. Querulous
533. Queue
534. Quorum
535. Radiant
536. Rakish
537. Rapacious
538. Rapport
539. Raze
540. Reactionary
541. Recapitulate
542. Reciprocal
543. Reclamation
544. Reclusive
545. Reconnoitre
546. Rectify
547. Red herring
548. Redolent
549. Regime
550. Regnant
551. Relegate
552. Relief
553. Remedial
554. Renovate
555. Repute
556. Resonance
557. Resound
558. Restitution
559. Resuscitate
560. Retrench
561. Riff
562. Robust
563. Roil
564. Roster
565. Ruddy
566. Rue
567. Ruminant
568. Sagacity
569. Sampler
570. Sanatorium
571. Sanctity
572. Sandbagger
573. Sanguine
574. Sarong
575. Satiate
576. Satire
577. Scam
578. Sceptic
579. Sciatica
580. Score
581. Scorned
582. Scruple
583. Scrutinize
584. Scuttle
585. Sear
586. Sec
587. Sedate
588. Sediment
589. Segment
590. Seminary
591. Sensibility
592. Septic
593. Shrapnel
594. Sidle
595. Siesta
596. Silhouette
597. Singe
598. Sisyphean
599. Skeptical
600. Skew
601. Skittish
602. Snide
603. Sojourn
604. Solvent
605. Somatic
606. Sophistry
607. Spa
608. Specious
609. Specter
610. Splotch
611. Spurious
612. Squander
613. Stalwart
614. Stanch
615. Staples
616. Static
617. Stay
618. Stentorian
619. Steppe
620. Sticky wicket
621. Stilted
622. Stimuli
623. Stipulate
624. Stoicism
625. Stratagem
626. Subdivision
627. Succumb
628. Superficial
629. Superfluous
630. Supposition
631. Surplice
632. Surrealism
633. Surrealistic
634. Swivel
635. Sycophantic
636. Symbiosis
637. Taboo
638. Tactile
639. Tank
640. Tariff
641. Taxidermy
642. Telepathy
643. Temperance
644. Tenacious
645. Therapeutic
646. Tinge
647. Tipping point
648. Titan
649. Torpid
650. Traction
651. Tranquil
652. Transcend
653. Transient
654. Transmute
655. Trash talk
656. Treacly
657. Trepidation
658. Trifle
659. Trilogy
660. Tussle
661. Uber
662. Uncanny
663. Understeer
664. Undulate
665. Undulating
666. Unmitigated
667. Urbane
668. Vale
669. Vanquish
670. Vascular
671. Vegetate
672. Venality
673. Vendetta
674. Veneer
675. Venerable
676. Venomous
677. Ventricle
678. Veracity
679. Vertex
680. Verve
681. Viability
682. Vintage
683. Virago
684. Virulent
685. Vista
686. Vociferous
687. Voracious
688. Vortex
689. Vulcanize
690. Wan
691. Wheedle
692. Woof
693. Wry
694. Xenophobic
695. Xeric