HAT-UG-GS Statistics MCQs Practice Test

HAT-UG-GS Statistics MCQs Practice Test

1. In statistics, conducting a survey means
A Collecting information from elements
B Making mathematical calculations
C Drawing graphs and pictures
D None of the above

HEC HAT-UG-CS Computer Science MCQs

2. Which branchof statistics deals with the techniques that are used to organize, summarize, and present the data:
A Advanced Statistics
B Probability Statistics
C Inferential Statistics
D Descriptive Statistics
E Bayesian Statistics

3. In descriptive statistics, we study
A The description of decision making process
B The methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data
C How to describe the probability distribution
D None of the above

4. In statistics, a population consists of:
A All People living in a country
B All People living in the are under study
C All subjects or objectswhose characteristics are being studied
D None of the above

5. Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observationsinto equal parts?
A Quartiles
B Standard Deviations
C Percentiles
D Deciles
E Median

6. Which one is the not measure of dispersion.
A The Range
B 50th Percentile
C Inter-Quartile Range
D Variance

7. Data in the Population Census Report is:
A Grouped data
B Ungrouped data
C Secondary data
D Primary data
E Arrayed data

8. When data are collected in a statistical study for only a portion or subset of all elements of interest we are using:
A A sample
B A Parameter
C A Population
D Both b and c

9. In inferential statistics, we study
A the methods to make decisions about population based on sample results
B how to make decisions about mean, median, or mode
C how a sample is obtained from a population
D None of the above

10. You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the basis of this information, you stated that the average height of all students in your university or college is 67 inches. This is an example of:
A Descriptive statistics
B Inferential Statistics
C Parameter
D Population

11. Statistic is a numerical quantity, which is calculated from:
A Population
B Sample
C Data
D Observations

12. The algebraicsum of deviations from mean is:A Maximum
B Zero
C Minimum
D Undefined

13. In statistics, a sample means
A A portion of the sample
B A portion of the population
C all the items under investigation
D none of the above

14. The height of a student is 60 inches. This is an example of ————–
A Qualitative data
B Categorical data
C Continuous data
D Discrete data

15. Which of the following is not based on all the observations?
A Arithmetic Mean
B Geometric Mean
C Harmonic Mean
D Weighted Mean
E Mode

16. Suppose for 40 observations, the variance is 50. If all the observations are increased by 20, the variance of these increased observation will be
A 50
B 70
C 50/20
D 50-20=30
E 50

17. Variance remains unchanged by change of
A Origin
B Scale
C Both
D None of these

18. The variance of a constant is
A zero
B constant
C a
D None

19. The standard deviation is always _________ than mean deviation
A Greater
B Less
C Equal
D None

20. Lowest value of variance can be
A 1
B -1
C 3
D -3
E 0

21. Mean Deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation of the values 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 is
A 4
B 8
C 2
D 12
E 0

22. The sum of squared deviations of a set of n values from their mean is
A Zero
B Maximum
C Least
D None

23. If Y=5X+10, then mean deviation of Y is
A 5 mean deviation (X)
B 25 mean deviation (X)
C 5 mean deviation (X) + 10
D None of these

24. The measure of dispersion is changed by a change of
A Origin
B Scale
C Algebraic Signs
D None

25. The mean deviation of the values, 18, 12, 15 is
A 6
B zero
C 3
D 2

26. Which of the following statement is true?
(a) The slope coefficient in regression and the correlation coefficient always have the same sign
(b) A regression line always passes through origin
(c) The correlation coefficient can exceed than 1
(d) None of these
27. Testing of hypotheses is a phase to check the validity of:
(a) Population parameter
(b) Sample estimate
(c) Population
(d) None of these
28. Any set of outcomes of a random experiments is called:
(a) Event
 (b) Event space
(c) Sample points
(d) None of these
29. When a difference between two groups is statistically significant this means that:
(a) The difference is statistically real but of little practical significance
(b) The difference is probably the result of sampling variation
(c) The difference is not likely to be due to chance variation
(d) None of these
30. Which one is NOT the characteristic of a random experiment:
(a) It has at least two outcomes
(b) The number of all possible outcomes are not known in advance
(c) It can be repeated any number of times under similar conditions
 (d) None of these