CSS Books of Agriculture Forestry Sociology Journalism


1Agriculture in India Vol. I & IIKamar, L.S.S.
2An Introduction to Tropical AgricultureTemporary H&D Grit, H.
3A treatile in HorticultureGilani, M.A.
4An Introduction to Animal HusbandryKing Black Well, J.O.L
5Breading Field CropsPoehlman
6Disease of Field CropsDickenson, J.G.
7Agricultural Insects, Pests of Tropics and their controlHill, S.D.
8Forest EcologySpurr, S.H.
9Fundamentals of Soil ScienceFoth
10Irrigation Principles and PracticalsIsrealson, O.W.
11Manual of Plant ProductionAbdul Manan
12Principles of AgronomyMudliar, W.T.S.
13Principles of Field Crop ProductionMartin J.H. & Leonard W.H.
14Principles of GeneticsGardner, E.J.
15Physiology of Crop PlantsGardner, Peares and Mitchal
16The Nature and Properties of SoilBuckman, H.O. & Bready N.C.
17Physiology of Growth and DevelopmentWillking
18Plant PathologyAgrioes, G.N.




1Manual of Silviculture for PakistanChampion. Seth & Khattak, G.M.
Forest Types of Pakistan-do-
Principles of SilvicultureDaniel. T.W. Helms & Baker
Plant & EnvironmentDaubenmire, R.
Elementary Forest MensurationJerram. M.R.K.
Natural Resources MeasurementAvery. T.E.
Forest ManagementKhattak. G.M.
Fundamental of Forestry EconomicsDuerr. WA.
Surveying and LevellingKanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni
Rasul Manual for Subordinate Engineers, Surveying Part-IAnon
11Material of ConstructionSyed. Z.H,
Forest Engineering (Roads & Bridges)Hanison. J. L.
The Pakistan Forest Act, 1927 
Principles of Forest PolicyWorrell
Forest ProtectionHawley & Stickle
Forests & Forestry in PakistanSheikh, M. I. & Hafeez. M.
Range ManagementStoodart. Smith and Box
Vegetation & Watershed ManagementColinan. E.A.




1Anthropology: The Study of ManAdamson Hoebel, E.
Pakistani SocietyAkbar Ahmed, S.
Contemporary Social ProblemsRobert K. Merton
Contemporary Sociological TheoriesPitrim Sorokin
Family in AsiaMan Singh Das & Pahos D. Bardis
Ibn-i-Khaldun: His Life and WorksM. Abdullah Enan
Master of Sociological ThoughtLewis A. Coser
Pakistani SocietyM. Iqbal Chaudhry
SociologyOgburn & Nimkoff
Strategies in Social ResearchSmith, H.W.
11Sociology; Role & RelationshipEverett K. Wilson
Social ProblemsJon. M. Shepard & Voss
Social Change and HistoryRobert Nisbet
Feudal System in PakistanNawab Haider Naqvi
The Sociology of Rural LifeLynn Smith, T.
The Sociology of Social ProblemsHorton & Leslie
The Sociology of ReligionMax Weber




1Advertising Operations and ManagementBeinton
Contemporary Public RelationsGarkan Gene & Scott
Communication in PowerHerbert Brucver
Exploring JournalismWosley and Campbell
Editor and Editorial WritingA Gayle Waldrop
Handbook of Public RelationsStephenson, Howard
Journalism in PakistanDr. Abdus Salam Khurshid
Mass CommunicationWilbur Schram
Newspaper Organization and ManagementRucker
Practical Newspaper ReportingGeofrey Haris & David Spark
Process and Effects of Mass CommunicationWilbur Schram
Radio & T.V. WritingMax Wylic
Iblagh-e-Aama (Urdu)Mehdi Hassan
Sahafat Pakistan-o-Hind Mein (Urdu)Dr. Abdus Salam Khurshid
Fun-e-Idarat (Urdu)Dr. Maskin Ali Hijazi
Fun-e-Sahafat (Urdu)Dr. Abdus Salam Khurshid
Fun-e-Idaria Naweesi (Urdu)Dr. Maskin Ali Hijazi


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