PCS Balochistan Syllabus Compulsory Optional Subjects

PCS Balochistan Syllabus Compulsory Optional Subjects for Section Officer SO, Assistant Commissioner AC written examination.


The Examination shall include compulsory and optional subjects and every candidate shall take all the compulsory subjects and three of the optional subjects, subject to the following restrictions:

a) Not more than two subjects shall be taken from each group.

b) Not more than two subjects shall be taken from among papers 10, 11, 18, 19 and 34

(Arabic Literature Periods I & II, Islamic History Periods–I & II and Islamiat).

A candidate shall answer the papers in English unless otherwise directed.

The compulsory and optional subjects and maximum marks fixed for each subject shall be as shown in the statement below:



1.English General and English Essay. 100

2.General Paper including Essay in Urdu/Balochi/Pushto/Sindhi/ Punjabi and Brahui.100

3.General Knowledge including Everyday Science. 100

4.Islamic & Pakistan Studies. 100

5.Viva Voce. 200

No candidate shall be summoned for viva voce test unless he had obtained at least 33 percent marks in each individual written paper and 50 percent marks in the aggregate.   Five grace marks only may,  however,  be given to really deserving candidates in one or two papers or in the aggregate provided that such grant of grace marks shall not entitle the grantee to have a better position in the merit list than those successful candidates who have not been granted any grace marks.  No candidate shall be considered to have qualified in the examination unless he also obtains at least 50 percent marks in viva voce.   Failure in or absence from viva voce shall mean that the candidate has failed to qualify for appointment and his name will not be included in the merit list.

The knowledge of “Islamic Studies will not apply to non-Muslim candidates”.

BPSC PCS Compulsory Subjects Details Syllabus & Pttern


GROUP–A 150 Marks Each

  1. English Literature Period-I 1780-1832
  2. English Literature Period-II 1832-1901
  3. Arabic
  4. Persian
  5. French
  6. Sansikrit
  7. Latin
  8. German
  9. History of Urdu Literature
  10. Arabic Literature Period-I
  11. Arabic Literature Period-II
  12. Persian Literature Period-I up to 1500 A.D.
  13. Persian Literature Period-II after 1500 A.D.

BPSC PCS Group A Subjects English Urdu Arabic Persian Details Syllabus

GROUP–B 150 Marks Each

  1. Indian History Period-I
  2. Indian History Period-II
  3. English History from 1714 A.D.
  4. European History from 1789 A.D.
  5. Islamic History Period-I
  6. Islamic History Period-II

GROUP–C 150 Marks Each

  1. Pure Mathematics
  2. Applied Mathematics
  3. Statistics

BPSC PCS Syllabus Group-B-C Subjects Indian English European Islamic History Pure Math Applied Math Statistics

GROUP–D 150 Marks Each

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Applied Chemistry
  4. Botany
  5. Zoology
  6. Agriculture
  7. Astronomy
  8. Human Anatomy
  9. Physiology

GROUP–E 150 Marks Each

  1. Ethics & Psychology
  2. Logic and Elements of Philosophy
  3. Islamiat
  4. Economics
  5. Political Science
  6. Criminal Law
  7. Civil Law
  8. Geography
  9. International Relations
  10. Commerce Comprising:

(a) Industrial and Commercial Organisation

(b) Industrial and Commercial Law

(c) Statistics

  1. Public Administration
  2. Sociology
  3. Social Work
  4. Geology
  5. Journalism/Mass Communication

BPSC PCS Syllabus for Subjects Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology Philosophy Law Geology Geography Sociology Social Work Public Administration

NOTE:  All the papers shall be of three hours duration.

If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible a deduction which may considerable be made on this account from the total marks secured by him.

Credit will be given for good English including orderly, effective,  and exact expression

combined with due economy of words, in all subjects of the examination and not only subject which are especially devoted to English.

Name of candidates who qualify shall be arranged in order of merit according to the aggregate marks obtained in the examination.

NOTE:  In the event of a tie, the order of merit shall be determined in accordance with the highest

marks secured in the viva voce.  If  the marks in the viva voce of the  candidate,  who tie, be

equal, then the order  of merit shall be decided  in accordance with the highest marks obtained

by such candidate in the aggregate of compulsory subjects.

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