ASF ASI MCQS Solved Past Papers Notes PDF Book Download
26.Which is less energy giving food from wheat,meat and Milk?
Ans. Wheat
27.Where is the Headquarter of OIC?
Ans. Jaddah
28.Who was the first ruler of Muslim dynasty in sub continent?
Ans. Qutub-ud-Din-Aibak
29.An inch is equall to how many cm?
Ans. 2.54cm
30.Who is current chairman os Senate?
Ans. Sadiq Sanjrani
31.Who is current General Secretary of UNO?
Ans. Antonio Guterres
32.Who was the first Indian Prime Minister?
Ans. Nehru
33.Who was author of Now or Never?
Ans. Ch. Rehmat Ali
34.Where is the only woman jail in Punjab?
35.Quid-e-Azam 14 poits were answer of?
Ans. Nehru Report
36.What was response of Congress on Simom Commission Report?
Ans. Rejeted it
37.How many countries are member of UNO?
Ans. 193
38.Who was president during Water Basin Treaty?
Ans. Gen. Ayub Khan
39.Who reprenseted India during Tashkant Declaration?
Ans.Lal Bahadur Shastri
40.What is percentage of water in blodd?
Ans. 65%
41.What is Daisy Cutter?
Ans. A Movie
42. River Indus originates from?
Ans. Tibet
43.Which general election held under LFO?
Ans. 1970
44.What is biggest civil award of Pakistan?
Ans. Nishan-e-Pakistan
45.Which is Mega city of Pakistan?
Ans. Karachi
46. The meaning of regicide is?
Ans. Murder of King
47.Central Board of revenue formed in?
48.Holoccaust means?
Ans. Devastation
49.The condemned man appealed ——–the court for mercy?
Ans. to
50.Correct the sentence. You should help a poor.
Ans. You should help the poor. Previous 25 Solved Questions Answers