Apple Vision Pro Sparks Meta Drive for Advanced AR Headset Development

Apple Vision Pro Sparks Meta Drive for Advanced AR Headset Development

“Apple’s Vision Pro Sparks Meta’s Drive for Advanced AR Headset Development” In a rapidly evolving landscape of augmented reality (AR) and mixed-reality (MR) technology, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has responded with vigor to the unveiling of Apple’s Vision Pro AR headset. This move comes on the heels of Meta’s release of the Quest 3 AR headset earlier this year, a product that paled in comparison to Apple’s technological prowess.

Apple Vision Pro Sparks Meta Drive for Advanced AR Headset Development

Meta has chosen to pivot its strategic direction, forging a collaboration with LG to delve into the development of a cutting-edge mixed-reality headset. Notably, this partnership with LG appears to have been catalyzed by the debut of Apple’s Vision Pro.

Not to be outdone, Samsung has made significant changes in its own AR headset development endeavors. Reports suggest that Samsung has abandoned its current prototype headset, opting instead to focus on creating a superior product, although precise details remain elusive.

Industry murmurs, emanating from sources in Korean media, indicate that Meta is poised to unveil this new high-end headset by the year 2025. The company is setting its sights on challenging Apple’s Vision Pro, with a strategic aim to offer a compelling alternative at a more accessible price point. It is speculated that Meta’s premium AR headset could be priced at approximately $2,000, a figure designed to undercut Apple’s $3499 Vision Pro.

Financial experts, such as NH Investment & Securities, have actively contributed to the discourse surrounding potential rivals to Apple’s Vision Pro. They have taken a closer look at Samsung’s positioning in the market while contemplating the prospects of a collaborative effort between Meta and LG in introducing a high-end AR headset.

Anticipation surrounds the naming of Meta’s forthcoming headset, with reports indicating that the word “Pro” will be an integral part of its title. The full official name is yet to be confirmed, but some insiders suggest it could be dubbed the “Quest 4 Pro.”

However, before the debut of the Meta Quest 4 Pro, the social media giant is poised to make a calculated move towards the price-sensitive market segment. Meta intends to offer more budget-friendly models, possibly as early as 2024, with prices as low as $200, a strategic move aimed at broadening its consumer base.

LG’s involvement in this collaborative venture stems from a patent it filed back in 2019 for a mixed-reality headset. The company has dedicated significant resources to research and development in this arena since then. However, it remains uncertain whether LG’s patent holds any direct connection to Meta’s forthcoming premium AR headset.

The competitive spirit in the AR and MR headset arena is undeniably heating up, with industry giants such as Apple and Meta racing to offer innovative products at various price points. With the promise of more accessible AR technology and groundbreaking mixed-reality experiences on the horizon, consumers can eagerly anticipate a dynamic marketplace in the coming years.