General Knowledge Notes for NTS Tests

General Knowledge Notes for NTS Tests

General Knowledge Notes 2019-2020 for Preparation of NTS PPSC FPSC Tests

1. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words:-


2. Every wise man should save for…
Rainy days

3. Sleeping partner means:-
One who has invested in business but takes no active part in its management.

4. UN was established to:-
Settle political disputes.

5. Yellow journalism refers to:-

6. Law is never law unless:-
It is enforced by a sovereign authority

7. A computer derives its basic strength from:-

General Knowledge MCQs Notes

8. If a car drives 25 kilometres on two litres of petrol, how many litres will be needed for trip of 150 kilometres?

9. Find 60% of 70:-

10. Vitamin C is essential for:-

11. Sound cannot travel through:-

12. A good tax should:-
Encourage growth in all sectors of the economy.

13. A system which results in a rigid one-party dictatorship permitting private ownership but not management of the production is:-

14. The tax levied on the import and export of commodities is named as:-
Customs duty

15. We see the flash of lightning before we hear the sound of the thunder because:-
The light rays travel much faster than the sound waves.

16. The Ozone layer plays ________ role for the organic life on earth.

17. Bonded Labour is:-
Forced labour

18. If you write down all the numbers from 1-100, how many times would you write 3?


19. Complete the series.
6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, _______.

27, 30

20. A seventeen years old is not ________ to vote in elections.
Old enough


21. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words:-

22. Promptly means:-
At once

23. Inflation refers to:-
Devaluation of money

24. Geographically Kashmir is divided into three major parts:-
Jammu, Azad Kashmir, Held Kashmir

25. “The System of Dyarchy” was scrapped in the Provinces and introduced in the centre.” This reform was introduced by:-
Government of India Act, 1935

26. An increase in hoarding results in:-
Increase in prices

27. A computer cannot do anything without:-
Input device

28. One of the infectious diseases conveyed from one person to another through air is:-

29. Lunar Eclipse takes place when:-
The shadow of the earth falls on the moon

30. A man buys a shirt for Rs. 70 after getting a discount of 20%. What was the marked price on the shirt?

Rs. 87.50

31. Give the next two numbers in the following series:-
23, 30, 21, 33, 19, 36, ______
17, 39

32. What is meant by mopia?
Short sightedness

33. The examiner made us ________ our identification in order to be admitted to the test centre.

34. Which of these is the most predominant in the composition of atmosphere?

35. Indicate the word which has the correct spellings:-

36. Federal revenues are maximum from:-
Excise and sales taxes

37. Soda water serves as:-
A primary remedy for upset stomach

38. General Sales Tax is levied on:-
The sale price of goods which are produced in the country

39. Electricity of 220 volts is normally used for domestic purposes because this is:-
The average voltage acquired by the domestic circuit

40. Special glasses are recommended to see solar eclipse because:-
They refract light

41. Calorie is a ____________.
Unit of quantity of heat

42. Optical Fiber System is ______.
Telecommunication system

43. Prices for bikes can run ______ Rs. 3500.
As high as


44. The plural from of loaf is:-

45. Monetary and fiscal policies have as their goal:-
All of these

46. The tax imposed on the property/owners of houses of plots and motor vehicles is called:-
Wealth tax


47. Barter system means:-
Exchange of goods

48. What function is performed by liver in the human body?
Acts as a store house of digested sugar

49. A soldier drove east for four miles, then drove north for five miles, then turned to his left and drove for one mile and again turned to his left. Which choice gives the direction in which he was driving now?


50. Physiotherapy is a curative method for:-
Immobility of joints

51. If two steel balls having different masses are allowed to fall freely from the roof of a building, they will reach the ground:-

52. Dialysis is meant for:-

53. The people of the Bosnia-Herzegovina voted in favour of independence from:-

54. Slump means:-
Fall in the prices of stock

55. Addiction means:-
Craving for certain drugs or food

56. A man sneezes when he has cold:-
Because he cannot help it

57. Why do you need a doctor’s prescription to buy certain drugs?
Because they can do harm if misused

58. A computer consists mainly of electronic:-

59. Six students in a class failed in algebra. This represents 16? per cent of the class. How many students passed the course?

60. A boy walked for ½ hour and then got a bus for 1/3 of an hour. What part of an hour did the entire trip take?

61. In a democratic country which of the following is considered the fourth estate?

62. A coalition government means:-
Government formed by two or more political parties

63. Local authorities receive the largest portion of their income from:-
Urban immovable property tax

64. Municipal tax on articles coming inside a city is called:-


65. The book entitled ‘Empire and Islam: Punjab and The Making of Pakistan’ was written by:-
D. Gilmartin

66. Research in the work place reveals that many people work for many reasons

Besides money

67. Invoice is:-
A statement which describes full particulars concerning the quality and price of goods

68. Reuters is a word known:-
News agency

69. Modern computers as compared to earlier computers are:-
Faster and smaller

6 thoughts on “General Knowledge Notes for NTS Tests”

  1. This material is very useful but there should be complete solve of mathematical questions so that answers can be easily understood

    1. Muhammad Salim Gul

      Dear Muhammad Saleem, the Mathematical portion is collected from the most easier side which are usually solved in seconds… You need to work hard to reach up to the level of commissioned exams…

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