Federal Excise Act 2005 MCQS Questions Answers

Federal Excise Act 2005 MCQS Questions Answers download in pdf online practice tests

1. The purpose of section 26, ‘conveyance’ shall include all,____________.
Fixture and Fitting

2. Provisions relating to trial of offences by Special Judge are described in
section ________ of The Federal Excise Act, 2005.

3. The goods exported out of Pakistan shall be charged to duty at the rate of
________ under The Federal Excise Act, 2005.
Zero per cent.

4. Under The Federal Excise Act, 2005 default surcharge will be calculated at
the rate:-
KIBOR plus three per cent per annum.

5. When did The Federal Excise Act, 2005 come into force.
1st day of July, 2005

6. The Federal Excise Act, 2005 extends to ________.
the whole of Pakistan

7. A person appointed as a Commissioner Inland Revenue under section 29
would be ________.

8. KIBOR stands for
Karachi Inter Bank Offered Rate.

9. Every person registered for the purposes of The Federal Excise Act, 2005
shall maintain and keep record for a period of __________.
Six Years

10. Invoices issued should contain the followings except.
Date of supply of material.