UK General Knowledge Quiz with Answers

UK General Knowledge Quiz with Answers

UK General Knowledge Quiz with Answers.Basic general information about United kingdom in pdf questions Answers.

UK General Knowledge Quiz with Answers


Which is the capital city of the United Kingdom UK ?
Answer: London.

Write official name of the United Kingdom (UK)?
Answer: The United Kingdome of Great Britain and Northern Irelande.

Which is the currency of the UK?
Answer: Pound Sterling (GBP).

Which two countries make up the island of Great Britain?
Answer: England and Scotland.

Which is the highest mountain in the UK?
Answer: Ben Nevis in Scotland.

Who is the current monarch of the UK?
Answer: Queen Elizabeth II.

Which is the most spoken language in the UK?
Answer: English.

Which country is located to the north of the UK?
Answer: Scotland.

Which is the name of the river which flows through London city?
Answer: The River Thames.

Which famous author wrote the Harry Potter series of books?
Answer: J.K. Rowling.

What is the name of the iconic clock tower located in London?
Answer: Big Ben (although technically, the name refers to the bell inside the tower).

What is the national flower of the UK?
Answer: The rose.

Which two sports were invented in the UK?
Answer: Football (soccer) and rugby.

Tell the name of the UK national anthem?
Answer: “God Save the Queen/King.”

Which country is located to the east of the UK?
Answer: France.

Write name of UK Prime Minister during World War-2?
Answer: Winston Churchill.

Which is the name of the underground railway system in London?
Answer: The London Underground (or “the Tube”).

Which famous rock band was formed in Liverpool in the 1960s?
Answer: The Beatles.

Which UK city is known for its annual Hogmanay New Year’s Eve celebrations?
Answer: Edinburgh.

Which famous English wrote plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth?
Answer: William Shakespeare.