Red Eye Infection in Karachi

Red Eye Infection in Karachi

In an alarming trend, the bustling metropolis of Karachi is contending with a notable upsurge in cases of ocular infections. Professor Mazhar-ul-Haq, the Chief of the Ophthalmology Department at Sule Hospital, provided insights to Geo News, shedding light on the escalating scenario.

Red Eye Infection in Karachi

As Professor Mazhar-ul-Haq elucidated, eye-related maladies are swiftly proliferating across various localities in Karachi. Individuals spanning all age groups are succumbing to these afflictions, and the heightened concern lies in the apparent person-to-person transmission of these infections.

Delving into symptoms requiring vigilant attention, Professor Mazhar-ul-Haq underscored common cues like persistent eye watering, evident redness, and troublesome itching. A contributory factor to this disquieting trend is the communal utilization of water basins, which facilitates the facile spread of these eye infections from one individual to another.

To counter the risk of infection contraction or dissemination, the Head of the Ophthalmology Department emphasized the adoption of preventive measures. Thorough and consistent cleansing of the eye vicinity holds paramount importance, with affected individuals counseled to employ tissues or soft, clean fabrics. Furthermore, personal hygiene assumes a pivotal role. Those affected should employ separate towels, soaps, and pillows to avert cross-contamination.

The situation mandates heightened awareness and enhanced hygiene practices to curb the proliferation of these eye infections in Karachi. While health authorities endeavor to control and confine the outbreak, individuals are implored to remain watchful and accord priority to their ocular health, forestalling any further exacerbation of this public health apprehension.