Quantitative Reasoning Questions with Answers Online Test

Quantitative Reasoning Questions with Answers Online Test Practice and Mock. Basic Math Quantitative ability assessment questions for students.

21) 15% of 32 equal
A. 3.8 B. 4.8
C. 4 D. 2.5

Ans: B

22) A number which is devisable by both 6 and 8 is also devisable by
A. 5 B. 11
C. 7 D. 24

Ans: D

23) The circumference of a circle whose diameter is 6 inch is approximately _________ inches
A. 22 B. 14
C. 38 D. 19

Ans: D
24) Successive discount of 10% and 15% is equivalent to a single discount of _________ %
A. 22 B. 23.5
C. 25 D. 24.5

Ans: B

25) Ratio from 5 feet to 3 inches is
A. 1/20 B. 3/60
C. 3/5 D. 5/3

Ans: A

26) 3/4of 432=?
A. 316 B. 340
C. 324 D. 232

Ans: C

27) If the radius of the circle is ½ than its area
A. Remains same B. Become double
C. Become half D. Become quarter

Ans: D

28) 0.027/90=
A. 0.03 B. 0.00003
C. 0.0003 D. 3

Ans: C
29) Noman’s test score is 96,97,86,98 and 92. What would he need on his next test to have an average of 94
A. 100 B. 95
C. 90 D. 92

Ans: B

30) What is the percent profit made on the sale of 1000 shares of poultry stock bought at Rs 10 per share and
sold at Rs 12 per share
A. 2% B. 25%
C. 41% D. 20%

Ans: D