PU Past Papers of Physical Human Geography Regional Geography BA BSc Part-1 Part-2

PU Past Papers of Physical Human Geography Regional Geography BA BSc Part-1 Part-2

Model Paper – Geography

University of the Punjab

Examination: B.A. /B.Sc.

Subject: Geography                Time Allowed: 03 hrs.

Paper: A- Physical & Human Geography          Max. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions with at least TWO questions from each section. All

questions carry equal marks. Support your answers with Sketches and diagrams where


Section A

Q1.   Write a detailed note on the Origin and Evolution of the Earth      20

Q2.   Discuss in detail the Vertical Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere  20

Q3.   Describe the different geomorphic processes and their role in shaping the     20

surface of the Earth

Q4.   How does Precipitation occur? Briefly discuss the different types of     20


Q5.   Write a comprehensive essay on the Currents of Atlantic Ocean?      20

Section B

Q6.   Critically evaluate the different theories presented in favor of Environmental   20


Q7.   Define and classify Economic Activities. Also discuss the characteristics,     20

role and importance of either Primary Activities or Secondary Activities

Q8.   Briefly discuss the factors responsible for Population Growth. Also highlight   20

the pattern of Population distribution in the World

Q9.   What do you understand by an Urban Settlement? Which characteristics     20

differentiate urban settlements from rural settlements?

Q10.   Write short notes on any Two of the following:          10+10

Water Pollution

Global Warming

Effects of Migration

Central Place Theory


Model Paper – Geography

University of the Punjab

Examination: B.A. /B.Sc.

Subject: Geography              Time Allowed: 02 hrs.

Paper: B- Regional Geography          Max. Marks: 50

Note: Attempt any THREE questions. Question No.6 is Compulsory. Support you answer

with maps where necessary.

Ql.   Write a comprehensive note on the Foreign Trade of Pakistan      15

Q2.   Give a detailed account of either Rice or Wheat cultivation in Pakistan.    15

Q3.   Critically examine the Power resources of South Asia with special reference   15

to India and Pakistan

Q5.   Discuss in detail the development of Iron and Steel Industry in South Asia.  15

Q6.   Write short notes on any Two of the following          10+10

Rivers of Pakistan

Irrigation System of Pakistan


Development of Tourism in South Asia

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