Psychology Solved MCQs Questions with Answers Practice Test 

Psychology Solved MCQs Questions with Answers Practice Test

1) The group in an experiment which receives no treatment is called:
a) Control group
b) Experimental group
c) No group

2) The portion of your nervous system which controls breathing and digestion is:
a) Axon
b) Autonomic
c) Linear circuit
d) None of these

3) The color, smell and feeling of the flowers are relayed through what part of brain:
a) Acetylcholine
b) Thalamus
c) Motor area
d) None of these

4) A hungry person would find food to be a:
a) Primary reinforcer
b) Secondary reinforcer
c) None of these

5) A psychologist explains you that learning can be best defined in terms of underlying thought process. What theory is being stated:
a) Social learning
b) Cognitive learning
c) Trial and error
d) None of these

6) According to Maslow, a person with no job, no friends and no house can be self actualized:
a) 100 percent yes
b) 100 percent no
c) None of these

7) A need to establish and maintain relationship with other people:
a) Achievement motivation
b) Need for affiliation
c) None of these

8) Term n-ach was introduced by:
a) Mc Cleland
b) Jung
c) Maslow
d) None of these

9) Repression refers to:
a) Primary defense mechanism
b) Regression
c) Frustration
d) None of these

10) Enduring dimensions of personality characteristics differentiating people from another is called:
a) Factor analysis
b) Trait
c) Determinism
d) None of these

11) The theory which suggests that people learn attitude by observing their own behavior is:
a) Operant conditioning
b) CR
c) Self-perception
d) None of these

12) Theory of cognitive dissonance is offered by:
a) Skinner
b) Bandura
c) Festinger
d) None of these

13) The ability to view the world in 3 dimensions and perceive distance is:
a) Depth perception
b) Illusion
c) Delusion
d) None of these

14) According to Bandura, one is socialized by:
a) Punishment
b) Observation
c) Food
d) None of these

15) Crowding causes increase in heart rate and the level of adrenaline:
a) No
b) Yes

16) Studies demonstrate that greater genetic similarity is associated with greater similarity of attitudes:
a) True
b) False

17) A theory that states that emotions are a join result of non-specific physiological arousal and interpretation of the arousal is called:
a) Two-factor theory of emotion
b) James-Lange theory of emotion
c) Bem’s theory of emotion d) None of these

18) Maintenance of an internal biological balance is called:
a) Instinct
b) Need
c) Homeostasis
d) None of these

19) The part of personality that provides a buffer between the id and the out side world is:
a) Super-ego
b) Ego
c) Ego-ideal
d) None of these

20) Specialized cells of nervous system carry:
a) Messages
b) Reflexes
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the (a) and (b)