PSEE Test of Reasoning 373 Sample MCQs Questions

PSEE Test of Reasoning 373 Sample MCQs Questions

Public Service Entrance Exam Test of Reasoning 373  Sample questions

An employee worked 11 hours in a day. Her regular working day is 7.5 hours and the rest was overtime, for which she was paid 1.5 times her regular hourly rate. If she was paid $112 for the day, what was her regular rate per hour for that day?
1.   $6.79
2.   $8.78
3.   $14.93
4.   $19.48
The accounting department just finished a staffing process and is setting up a training session. All recently hired employees are very well qualified. All of the trainees are recently hired employees. What can be validly concluded from the information provided above?
1.   All of the trainees are very well qualified.
2.   None of the trainees are very well qualified.
3.   Some of the trainees are not very well qualified.
4.   All very well qualified employees are trainees.
For this question, you must reverse the real relation between the existing nouns in order to determine the best response.
·      A FETH resembles a GITH but is larger.
·      A cat resembles a GITH but is smaller.
·      A zebra resembles a PURI but is larger.
Which of the following is the best response?
1.   A zebra is larger than a GITH.
2.   A FETH is smaller than a PURI.
3.   A cat is larger than a PURI.
4.   None of the above.
Which of the following responses completes the series?
R, U, X, AA, DD, ___
1.   V
2.   Z
3.   EE
4.   GG