PPSC MCQs Test Syllabus Pattern Technologist Anesthesia Surgical Radiography and Imaging Pathology Preparation

Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore PPSC MCQs Test Syllabus Pattern Preparation for Technologist Anesthesia, Technologist Surgical, Technologist Radiography and Technologist Imaging Pathology

(BS-17) TECHNOLOGIST (RADIOGRAPHY & IMAGING) Jobs Syllabus Pattern MCQS for BS (Hons) Degree in Radiography & Imaging

bs radiography imaging mcqs

(BS-17) TECHNOLOGIST (Surgical) Jobs Syllabus Pattern MCQS for BS (Hons) Degree in Surgical

bs surgical mcqs

(BS-17) TECHNOLOGIST (Pathology) Jobs Syllabus Pattern MCQS for BS (Hons) Degree in Pathlogy

bs mlt pathology mcqs

(BS-17) TECHNOLOGIST (Anesthesia) Jobs Syllabus Pattern MCQS for BS (Hons) Degree in Anesthesia

bs anesthesia mcqs

Test Syllabus:

One paper MCQ type written test of 100 Marks and 90 minutes duration. Syllabus is as under:-

a) Qualification related questions. (80%)

b) General Knowledge including (20%)

Pakistan Studies, Current Affairs, Geography, Basic Mathematics, English, Urdu, Everyday Science and Basic Computer Studies