PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Persian Papers

PCS PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Persian Papers pdf download. PMS Persian optional subject syllabus and Past Papers. PPSC Persian syllabus pdf.



Total Marks: 100

A. History of Persian Language – 10 Marks

a. Avesta
b. Old Persian
c. Pahalwi
d. Dari
e. Modern Persian

B. Persian and Pakistan – 10 Marks

a. Persian’s Influence on Urdu
b. Persian’s Importance for Pakistan
c. Persian’s Impact on Culture and Civilization of the sub-continent

C. History of Persian Literature in Iran – 20 Marks

a. Samanids
b. Ghaznavids
c. Saljuques
d. Mangols
e. Taimurids
f. Qajars
g. Safvids

D. History of Persian Literature in the Sub-continent – 10 Marks

a. Ghaznvids
b. Sultanates
c. Mughuls

E. Special Study of Iranian Poets and Prose Writers – 15 Marks

a. Poets:

  • Firdousi
  • Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
  • Saadi Shirazi
  • Hafiz Shirazi
  • Parveen Ietesami

b. Prose Writers:

  • Attar Nishaburi (Tazkart-ul-Aoulia)
  • Saadi Shirazi (Gulistan)
  • Sadiq Hidayat (As a modern short story writer)

F. Special Study of the sub-continent’s Persian poets and Prose writers – 15 Marks

a. Poets:

  • Masood Saad Salman
  • Amir Khursrou
  • Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib
  • Allama Iqbal

b. Prose Writers:

  • Muhammad Aoufi (Jawam-e-ul-Hikayat)
  • Hassan Sajzi (Faiwaid-ul-Fawad)

G. Short question and answers from all the course of the “A” paper – 20 Marks