PMC MDCAT Sample Paper Entry Test 2020

PMC-MDCAT Entry Test Sample Paper 2020 Biology Chemistry Physics English Sample Solved MCQS Paper Pattern Questions Sample With Answers, Entry Test Syllabus


1. Chief material present in the cell walls of plants, fungal and prokaryotic cells are:

a. Proteins

b. Lipids

c. Polysaccharides

d. Phospholipids

2. Which of the following cells does not have nucleus?

a. Muscle cell

b. Nerve cell

c. White Blood cell

d. Red blood cell

3. Most abundant organic compound in mammalian cell is:

a. Water

b. Lipids

c. Carbohydrates

d. Proteins

4. Cysts are not resistant to __________ but spores are:

a. Light

b. Desication

c. pH

d. Heat

5. The most successful land adapting plants are:

a. Mosses

b. Ferns

c. Gymnosperms

d. Angiosperms

6. Intrinsic factor is secreted by:

a. Pancreas

b. Liver

c. Stomach

d. Duodenum

7. In human gut, chylomicrons are formed by the combination of:

a. Proteins and carbohydrates

b. Fats and proteins

c. Fats and carbohydrates

d. Vitamins and fats

8. Which organ is called as the body’s thermostat?

a. Pituitary gland

b. Kidneys

c. Hypothalamus

d. Adrenal gland

9. Myofibrils within the muscle fibres contain thick and thin filaments made

up of __________ and __________ respectively:

a. Myosin and actin

b. Globulin and albumin

c. Troponin and Tropomyosin

d. Fibrin and Fibrinogen

10. Which hormone is chemically a steroid?

a. ADH

b. Thyroxin

c. Cortisone

d. Insulin

11. Which brain portion is responsible for controlling body coordination?

a. Medulla

b. Amygdala

c. Cerebellum

d. Pons

12. Erythroblastosis foetalis occurs when mother is Rh –ve and father is:

a. Also Rh –ve

b. Rh +Ve

c. Haemophilaic

d. Color blind


13. Many elements have fractional atomic masses. This is because:

a. Mass of atom is itself fractional

b. Atomic masses are average masses of isobars

c. Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes

d. Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their abundance

14. Identify the correct option with same empirical formula for both compounds:

a. H2O & H2O2

b. C6H12 & C6H6

c. H2S2O3 & H2SO4

d. C6H12O6 & CH3COOH

15. 1 mole of any substance contains ______ particles.

a. 6.02 x 10 23

b. 6.02 x 10 24

c. 6.02 x 10 22

d. 3.01 x 10 23

16. Which of the following orbital will be filled first than 4p?

a. 4s

b. 2p

c. 3d

d. 1s

17. When number of moles of reactants and products are equal in reversible

reactions, which parameter would not affect at equilibrium?

a. Temperature

b. Pressure

c. Volume

d. Catalyst

18. Ice floats on the surface of water due to:

a. Larger bond length

b. Cubic structure of ice

c. Weak intermolecular forces

d. Empty spaces in the structure of ice

19. Acidic buffer consists of :

a. Strong acid and salt of it with a weak base

b. Weak acid and salt of it with a strong base

c. Strong acid and salt of it with a strong base

d. Weak acid and salt of it with a weak base

20. The breakdown of a substance with current is:

a. Thermolysis

b. Catalysis

c. Electrolysis

d. Photolysis

21. Which statement is incorrect regarding a chemical bond?

a. Bond is formed by the overlapping of half filled orbitals

b. Bond is formed by the attraction of positive and negative ions

c. Bond is formed by the overlapping of “s” orbital is strong

d. Bond formed by the large sized atoms is strong


22. The product of force and time is equal to:

a. Angular momentum

b. Force

c. Change in momentum

d. Velocity

23. 2Kilowatt-hour is unit of?

a. Electric Energy

b. Power

c. Momentum

d. Torque

24. Trough of a wave acts as:

a. Concave lens

b. Convex lens

c. Convex mirror

d. Plane mirror

25. Two positive point charges are placed 2m apart. The electric potential at mid point due to these two charges will be:

a. Added to double

b. Reduced to half

c. Remains same (no effect)

d. Cancel each other effect

26. If length of the wire becomes two times to its original value and area becomes one half to its original value, then resistance of the wire becomes:

a. Double

b. Four times

c. One half

d. One fourth

27. The conversion of alternating current into direct current is:

a. Amplification

b. Rectification

c. Oscillation

d. Resonance


28. Choose the correct option.

a. The Three Musketeers was written by Dumas.

b. The Three Musketeers were written by Dumas.

c. The Three Musketeers has written by Dumas.

d. The Three Musketeers have written by Dumas.

29. What is the antonym of “Mumbled”?

a. Unprovoked

b. Quiver

c. Loud

d. Rarely

30. Select the right sentence.

a. He opened the square red wooden box.

b. He opened the red square wooden box.

c. He opened the wooden red square box.

d. He opened the red wooden square box