Pakistan Studies Online MCQS Practice Test

Pakistan Studies Online MCQS Practice Test for preparation of NTS Tests, FPSC Tests, PTS Tests, CSS Tests, SPSC Tests,SBK and CTSP Tests.

37. The institution of Mohtasib was established by

a. Constitution of 1973   b. Presidential Order 1983
c. Article 276 oof the interim Constitution 1972      d. All of the above
38. Quaid-e-Azam resigned from membership of Congress in
a. 1913         b. 1916
c. 1920          d. 1922

39. Durand Line, which divides the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan is as long as:

(a) 2252 Km         (b) 2262 Km
(c) 2272 Km          (d) None of these

40. Objective Resolution was passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on:

a. March 12, 1947        b. March 12, 1948
c. March 12, 1949        d. None of these
41. The height of Pakistan’s highest mountain Pak-Godwin Austin is as high as:

a. 26, 250 ft      b. 27, 250 ft
c. 28, 250 ft       d. None of these

42. Who led Simla deputation in 1906?

a. Sir Agha Khan  b. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
c. Nawab Muhsin ul Mulk.  d. None of these

43. When Pakistan became the member of UNO

a.1945      b. 1946      c.1947   d.1948

44. Who is current finance minister of Pakistan

a.Ch.Nisar     b.Abdul Hafeez    c.Rehman Malik  d.Pervaiz elahi

45. Suez canal connects midetrian sea to

a.pacific sea   c.nile        d.tigris

46. First viceroy of the subcontinent was

a.lord curzon     b.Lord Irwin    c.Mount baten    d.Lord Canning

47. Who is ambassador of Pakistan in USA

a.hussain haqani    b.sheri rehman   c.SH khajwa  d.Nasir Ali

48. How many division are in Punjab

a.7       b.8     c.9   d.10

49. Who was viceroy of subcontinent during partition of Bengal

a.Mount baten     b.Lord Canning  c.Lord Curzon     d.Lord Milton

50. Anjamn himayat islam established in

a.1882  b.1884    c.1886    d.1888

1000 Solved Pakistan Studies Online MCQS Practice Test

51. Bala Hisar fort built by

a.Jahangir    b.Babar    c.Shahjhan     d.sher shah sori

52. Who is first Punjabi poet

a.Baba Farid    b.Ahmad bakhsh     c.Israr Shah     d.Faiz

53. The state bank inaugurated in

a.july 1947     b.july 1948    c.july 1949       d.july 1950

54. War and peace is written by

a.samuel      b.jane Austin       c.leo Tolstoy     d.hungminton

55. Pride and prejudice is written by

a.jane Austin  b.tolostoy       c.abulkalam       d.jane waston

56. Bhat is the currency of

a.indonesia    b.thailand  c.UAE     d.Jordan

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