Pak Studies Mock Test Online Free

Pak Studies Mock Test Online Free

Pak Studies Mock Test Online Free with Answers. Important Pak Studies Questions Answers MCQS Test for exam. Pak Studies top mcqs notes.

Pak Studies Mock Test Online Free

121. Martial Law was imposed in Balochistan in
May 1973

122. The Qadyanis were declared non Muslims in

123. He is the only person who resigned from national Assembly on this decision
Ahmaad Raza Qasuri

124. Elections to the National Assembly were held under Z.A. Bhutto in
March 1977

125. Martial Law was imposed in the country on 5th July 1977
in the morning

126. Pakistan announced to delink from SEATO in
November 1972
Chaudhary Khaleeq uz Zaman died in

127. Ayub Khan Passed away in

128. Friday was declared a weekly holiday in
January 1977


129. How many constitutions have been tried in in Pakistan so far?

130. 1973 constitution was promulgated in
14th August

131. How many amendments have been made in1973 constitution up to 1999

132. The 16th amendment is about the expansion of

133. Quota has been extended to the year

134. The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under this Amendment

135. The Qaduanis were declared non Muslims in this amendment

136. The first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of 79 members
objectives resolution was passed in
12th March 1949

137. The Ulmas offered 22 points for the future constitution of Pakistan.

138. The 2nd Basic principle Committee Report was published on
22nd December 1952.

139. The following constitutional draft was called as the Bengali Punjab Crisis Report
2nd BPC Report

140. Muhammad Ali Bogra formula was put forward in the Assembly on:
7th October, 1953

141. Bogra Formula offered a bicameral legislature wherein every unit had
10 seats in the Upper House

142. The number of East Bengal Seats in the Lower House in the Bogra Formula was:

143. The First constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by Ghulam Muhammad on;
24th October 1954

144. The Sindh chief court restored the
1st Constituent Assembly

145. He was the first governor of the West Pakistan
Mushtaq Ahmed Grmani

146. It was necessary for both the President and the Prime Minister to be Muslims in this Constitution.

147. The Objectives Resolution was made the part of the Constitution instead of being merely a document of guiding Principles in
8th Amendment

148. Bicameral legislature was provided for in the
1973 constitution.

149. The minimum age of a Senator is
30 years.

150. The minimum age of Prime Minister under the constitution is
35 years.

151. The age of President is

152. The retirement age of justice of High court is
62 years

153. The retirement age of justice of Supreme Court is
65 years

154. How much practice as a lawyer is must for becoming Justice of a High Court
8 years.

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