PAF Cadet College Sargodha Admissions 2019 Entry Test Schedule

PAF Cadet College Sargodha Admissions 2019 Entry Test Schedule
PAF Cadet College Sargodha Admissions 2019 Entry Test Schedule Syllabus Sample Past Papers Prepare Test Online


Availability of Prospectus & Application Form      08 July, 2019

Sale of Prospectus ends                07 September, 2019

Last date receipt of Applications               16 September, 2019

Written Test       13 October, 2019


Intelligence test / Preliminary Medical  Examination / Interviews Start (different dates for different centres)      November, 2019  to February, 2020

CMB (Final Medical Examination) starts 16 December 2019

Reporting Date of Selected Candidates at the College     12 April, 2020