mnr pitc com pk cnic registration steps to update your MEPCO FESCO IESCO PEPCO TESCO QESCO LESCO GEPCO Income Tax Filer Record to reduce electricity bill through CNIC registration and consumer record:
Here are simple steps for registration;
1. Go to the official website of Power Information Technology Company (PITC) to access the CNIC registration portal for electricity consumers.
2. Enter your 14-digit electricity bill reference number and press the ‘Go’ button.
3. The owner’s details will be displayed on your screen. Fill in the occupant’s information (name, CNIC, mobile number) in the form below the owner’s details.
4. After completing the form, click ‘Submit’ to begin the verification process.
5. A One Time Pin (OTP) will be sent to your registered mobile number for verification.
6. Once your information is verified, your record will be automatically updated or corrected in your consumer bill.
7. If you encounter any difficulties, reach out to PITC staff at 118 or email for assistance.
I am desiours to register my cnic no with LESCO..