Islamic Studies Online MCQS Practice Test for PPSC Tests, NTS Tests, FPSC Tests, PTS Tests, CSS Tests, SPSC Tests, UTS Tests.
25.Which Surah starts without Bismillah:
A. Al Noor B. Al-Toba C. Namal D.Yaseen
26.Who was the first martyre in Islam
A.Hazrat Haris B. Hazrat Hamza C.Hazrat Sumaya D. Hazrat ubaida
27. Which sahabi name is mentioned in Quran
A.Hazrat Zaid B.Hazrat Ali C. Hazrat Usman D.Hazrat Bilal
5000 Islamic Studies Solved MCQS
28. Namaz-e-Istisqa” is prayer for:
A.Peace B. Rain C. Wealth D. Non of these
29. Khateeb –ul-Anbia as a title of:
A.Hazrat Moavia B. Hazrat esa C. Hazrat younas D.Hazrat Shoaib
30. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only:
A.Four times B.Three times C.Five Times D.Seven Times
31. Abul Basher is called to
A.Hazrat Adam B.Hazrat Noah C.Hazrat Mosa D. Hazrat ayub
32. First bow occurs in Para
A.7th B.8th C.5th D. 9th
33. Which is called the preface of the holy Quran.
A.Al Fateh B. Yaseen C.Al Nas D.Al Baqra
34. Al-Kaswa is the name of
A.Horse B.Camel C.Elephant D.valley
35. Makka was conquered in
36. When law of inheritence was revealed
A.2AH B.3AH C.4AH D.5Ah
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In conclusion, the Islamiat MCQs test is an important tool for assessing the knowledge and understanding of students about the fundamental principles and teachings of Islam. The MCQs test covers a wide range of topics, including Islamic history, beliefs, practices, and ethics.