HAT-UG-ICOM Solved MCQs Accounting Past Papers Practice Sample Test

HAT-UG-ICOM Solved MCQs Accounting Past Papers Practice Sample Test

1. Double entry book-keeping was fathered by:
(a) F.W.Taylor
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Lucas Pacioli.

(2) Funds Flow Statement and sources and application statement are:’
(a) Synonymous
(b) Antagonistic
(c) None of these.

(3) Depreciation in spirit is similar to:
(a) Depletion
(b) Amortization
(c) Depression.

HAT-UG-ICOM Business Math Past Sample MCQs

4) Balance Sheet is always prepared:
(a) for the year ended.
(b) As on a specified date.
(c) None of these.

(5) In Insurance, the following Profit and Loss Accounts are prepared:
(a) Separate for Fire, Marine, and Accidents etc.
(b) Consolidated for Fire, Marine, and Accidents etc.(c) None of these.

(6) Partners in Pakistan can today be fixed at the following numbers:
(a) 20
(b) 50
(c) 75.

(7) Flexible budget is a budget with the following features:
(a) Changes with volume of production.
(b) Changes with variable expenses
(c) Changes in Direct material.

(8) Break Even can be calculated as under:
(a) ______VC_______
(b) FC
(c) None of these.

(9) Quick Ratio can be computed as under:
(a) Quick . Assets/Quick Liabilities
(b) Quick . Liabilities Current Assets
(c) Current Assets/ Current Liabilities

(10) In straight line method of depreciation, the written down value of a fixed asset will be at the end of the life of the asset as under:
(a) Rupee one
(b) Rupee zero (c) None of these.

(11) Sales budget must be prepared:
(a) Independently
(b) Depending on production capacity
(c) Based on Sales forecasts of market.

(12) Consolidation of subsidiary accounts in the balance sheet of a unlisted Holding company is at present in Pakistan:
(a) Compulsory
(b) Voluntary
(c) Required.

(13) Retained earning is synonymous to:
(a) Accumulated profit and loss account
(b) Profit for the year
(c) None of these.

(14) The requirements of an audit report for a Banking Company in Pakistan is under:
(a) Under the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
(b) Under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
(c) Under (a) and (b) above.

(15) Deferred Taxation is:
(a) Fixed asset
(b) Fixed liabilities
(c) Part of Owners Equity.

(16) Investment Corporation of Pakistan follows:
(a) Open-end mutual funds
(b) Closed-end mutual funds
(c) None of these.

(17) Directors Report is —- in respect of financial report constituent.
(a) Mandatory for a limited Company
(b) Voluntary for a limited Company
(c) None of these.

(18) Every limited Company in Pakistan is required by law to include the following along with financial reports:
(a) Ratio Analysis
(b) Chairman’s Review
(c) None of these.

(19) Cash budget excludes the following:
(a) Non-Cash items
(b) Cash items
(c) Purchase on Credit items.

(20) NGOs are legally required to:
(a) Prepare accounts in a prescribed manner under the law.(b) Prepare accounts as desired by donors.
(c) None of these.

21. Fixed Cost:
a. Changes with production
b. Never changes even if production capacity is doubled
c. None of the above

22. Conversion cost is:
a. Material Cost + Overhead Cost
b. Direct Labour + Material Cost
c. Labour Cost + Overhead Cost

23. Process Costing is relevant to:
a. Cement industry
b. Job Order cost oriented Projects
c. None of the above

24. Operating Profit is:
a. Profit after deducting financial costs
b. Profit after deducting taxes
c. Profit after deducting normal operating expenses including depreciation

25. A good Cost Accounting System is:
a. If it computes estimated cost only
b. If it cannot be reconciled with financial accounts
c. If it enables management to increase productivity and rationalize cost structure

26. Verification includes:
a. Checking Vouchers
b. Examining audit report
c. None of the above

27. Stratified audit sample means:
a. Randomly selected items for audit
b. Purposively selected items for audit
c. Items carefully selected from each group

28. Internal Control is totally synonymous with:
a. Internal check
b. Internal audit
c. None of above

29. Audit of a bank is generally conducted through:
a. Routine checking
b. Couching
c. Balance sheet audit

30. An auditor is liable for his annual audit of accounts o:
a. Creditors
b. Bankers
c. Owners