FPSC Statistical Officer MCQs Test Syllabus Advertisement No 10-2018
Statistical Officer (BS-17), Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Ministry of
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
English = 20 marks
Professional Test=80 marks
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Introduction to Statistics,
Presentation of Data,
Measures of Central Tendency,
Measures of Dispersion,
Index Numbers,
Simple Regression and Correlation,
Time Series Analysis,
Sampling Techniques,
Testing of Hypothesis,
Techniques of Research,
Report writing and presentation,
Basic Arithmetic and I.T Knowledge.
A,a Result KB ana h statistical officer ka fpsc ka
Result kb aana?
hv u any past papers of SO if ys, plz share
Please share the past sample paper for taking an idea.
Please share the sample paper for the post of statistical officer.
Will you please share the sample paper or past paper for the post of the statistical officer?
Sir is there any past paper or sample paper of FPSC for the post of statistical officer?