Easypaisa Code for Jazz Zong Sim other newtworks

Easypaisa Code for Jazz Zong Sim other newtworks can be open very easily simple process. Any network user can enjoy services of easypaisa throuh his/her sim. There are some simple steps to use easypaisa services on other network sim.

First send message by write ‘EP<space>CNIC number’ to 0345-111-3737

Easypaisa representative call you for verification.

After  verification, you will be asked to create a 5-digit pin code.

Now type PIN<space>5-digit pin code<space>confirm 5-digit pin code and send it to 0345-1113737

You should Remember the pin code which you created in the above message

After sending the message, you will receive a confirmation SMS from 3737.

Now you will receive a  successful activation of their Easypaisa account message.

After activation you follow steps below:

Download the easypaisa app from play store and install it and make account

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