Computer Science Multiple Choice Basic Questions Answers

Computer Science Multiple Choice Basic Questions Answers

1. Mostly which of the following device is used to carry user files?
A. Floppy Disk B. Hard Disk
Answer: A

2. Which device is used to backup the data?
A. Floppy Disk B. Tape
C. Network Drive. D. All of the above
Answer: D

3. In order to play and hear sound on a computer, one needs:
A. a sound card and speakers B. a microphone
C. all of them required D. none of them required
Answer: A

4. Which of the following are the cheapest memory devices in terms of Cost/Bit?
A. Semiconductor memories B. Magnetic Disks
C. Compact Disks D. Magnetic Tapes
Answer: C

5. Which of the following are the best units of data on an external storage device?
A. Bits B. Bytes
C. Hertz D. Clock cycles
Answer: B

6. Which of the following have the fastest access time?
A. Semiconductor Memories B. Magnetic Disks
C. Magnetic Tapes D. Compact Disks
Answer: A

7. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?
A. Floppy Disk B. CDROM
C. Hard Disk D. None of these
Answer: B

8. Which of the following is a programming language?
A. Lotus B. Pascal
C. MS-Excel D. Netscape
Answer: B

9. What is a compiler?
A. A compiler does a conversion line by line as the program is run
B. A compiler converts the whole of a higher level program code into machine code in one step
C. A compiler is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution
D. None of the above
Answer: B

10. What is an interpreter?
A. An interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run
B. An interpreter is the representation of the system being designed
C. An interpreter is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution
D. None of the above
Answer: B

11. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits?
Answer: A

13. A Pixel is ………
A. A computer program that draws picture
B. A picture stored in secondary memory
C. The smallest resolvable part of a picture
D. None of these
Answer: C

14. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?
A. Keyboard B. Mouse
C. Joystick D. Track ball
Answer: B

15. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?
A. 2 B. 10
C. 16 D. 32
Answer: A

16. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?
A. Binary B. Decimal
C. Hexadecimal D. Octal
Answer: A

17. Which of the following is not an output device?
A. Scanner B. Printer
C. Flat Screen D. Touch Screen
Answer: D

18. Which of the following devices have a limitation that we can only store information to it but cannot erase or modify it?
A. Floppy Disk B. Hard Disk
C. Tape Drive D. CDROM
Answer: D