Computer General Knowledge Quiz for Competitions

Computer General Knowledge Quiz for Competitions

1. Which technology is used in Compact disks?
A. Mechanical B. Electrical
C. Electro Magnetic D. Laser
Answer: D
2. Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?
A. Floppy Disk B. Hard Disk
C. Compact Disk D. Magneto Optic Disk
Answer: B
3. Which of the following is the largest manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?
A. IBM B. Seagate
C. Microsoft D. 3M
Answer: B
4. The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as
A. Hardware B. Software
C. Firmware D. ROM ware
Answer: C
5. Memory unit is one part of
A. Input device B. Control unit
C. Output device D. Central Processing Unit
Answer: D
6.Who built the first Mechanical Calculator
A. Joseph Marie Jacquard B. John Mauchly
C. Blaise Pascal D. Howard Aiken
Answer: C
7. The earliest calculating devices are
A. Abacus B. Clock
C. Difference Engine D. None of these
Answer: A
8. Punched cards were first introduced by
A. Powers B. Pascal
C. Jacquard D. Herman Hollerith
Answer: D
9. Word length of a Personal Computer is ___
A. 4 bits B. 8 bits
C. 16 bits D. 64 bits
Answer: B
10. Cursor is a ____
A. Pixel B. Thin blinking line
C. Pointing device D. None of these
Answer: B
11. Operating system, editors, and debuggers comes under?
A. System Software B. Application Software
C. Utilities D. None of the above
Answer: A
12. Which device is required for the Internet connection?
A. Joystick B. Modem
C. CD Drive D. NIC Card
Answer: B
13. What does DMA stand for?
A. Distinct Memory Access B. Direct Memory Access
C. Direct Module Access D. Direct Memory Allocation
Answer: B
14. When did John Napier develop logarithm?
A. 1416 B. 1614
C. 1641 D. 1804
Answer: B
15. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to __________data?
A. 680 KB B. 680 Bytes
C. 680 MB D. 680 GB
Answer: C
16. ATM stands for?
A. Automatic Talking Machine
B. Automatic Teller Machine
C. Analog Teller Machine
D. Automatic Ticketing Machine
17. The Second Generation Computer was based on ………….
A. Vacuum Tube B. Silicon Chips
C. Transistor D. Bio Chips
Answer: C
18. The Third Generation Computer was made with ………….
A. Vacuum Tube B. Discrete Components
C. IC D. Bio Chips
Answer: C