Chapter-9 English 9th Questions Answers Simple Easy

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Chapter-9 English 9th Questions Answers Simple Easy Unit No 9 “All Is Not Lost “ Questions with Answers in pdf download.

From Book Exercise:

Q .1 Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to her?
Ans. Because she wanted to activate her dead neurons through the voice of her sister.

Q.2 Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor’s point of view?

Ans. Because she was hopeful about the recovery of the patient.

Q.3 Why did the nurse ask herself the question: Could i be able to justify my stance before the senior doctors?
Ans. She asked herself this question because she disagreed with senior doctors point of view.

Q.4 Describe some qualities of the personality of the nurse in the story?

Ans. She was kind, brave and wise. She was sincere to her job.

Q.5 Why did the nurse say: “Where there is will there is way”?
Ans. To see the recovery of hopeless patient, she said “where there is will there is way”

Unit-10 Questions with Answers

From Lesson:

Q. 1 What is an ICU in a hospital?
Ans It is a special ward in the hospital for critically ill patients.

Q. 2 To what extent does the recovery of a patient depend upon the doctor and nurse?
Ans The recovery of a patient totally depends upon the doctor and nurse. A patient cannot recover without their treatment and proper care.

Q: 3 What do you infer about her professional skills from the expression, “Try once for her”?
Ans: It shows that she is very kind, sincere, honest and devoted. She is also sincere to her job.