BMAT Aptitude and Skills Section Practice Sample MCQs Question for Preparation

BMAT Aptitude and Skills Section Practice Sample MCQs Question for Preparation

Bio Medical Admissions Test
Aptitude and Skills
1.  Forest fires in Indonesia this year have emitted 1.6 gigatonnes of CO2. To put that in
perspective, it has been estimated that the entire world must emit less than 1000 gigatonnes of
CO2 every year from now on if we are to avoid dangerous global warming. When forest
vegetation burns, the amount of CO2released into the atmosphere can be taken back up again
by the plants as they regrow. But in Indonesia it is not only the plants that are burning. Pea
that has accumulated over thousands of years is also on fire, releasing buried carbon. Forest
fires in Indonesia burn most fiercely in years when the region is drier, as it is this year. Rain
arrived in Indonesia recently, and the number of new fires has dropped.
Which one of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the above passage?
A  The forest fires in Indonesia will prevent the achievement of world targets for CO2
B  It is likely that some of the CO2from the fires in Indonesia will remain in the atmosphere.
C  It is unlikely that forest fires will emit as much CO2 next year as they have emitted this year.
D  If forest fires can be prevented or better controlled, dangerous global warming will not
2.  Wide-ranging increases in the cost of bringing a civil court case recently announced by the UK
government are an assault on citizens’ access to the law. It is tantamount to treating justice like
a commodity. The latest proposals will increasefees by more than 1000% for claims of
£200 000 or more. They will deter individuals and small businesses from taking cases to court,
for fear of the cost if they lose, crippling anyone trying to recover monies owed to them. All civil
cases, from divorce to landlords trying to get their property back, are affected. If justice is not to
be out of reach of the majority of ordinary people, the government must think again. The civil
courts are the backbone of a fair society and a prosperous economy.
Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
A  The planned increase in court fees is an attack on people’s ability to seek justice.
B  The government is proposing to treat justice like a saleable object.
C  Individuals and business will be put off taking their grievances to court.
D  The government needs to reconsider, or justice will be inaccessible to most people.
E  The civil courts are crucial to fairness and prosperity.
3. Time is represented in an unusual way in Bolandia. The format is mm:hh, where mm
represents the number of minutes to the next hour (hh). For example, 17:03 represents 17
minutes before 3am. However, there are still 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day.
Helen is staying in a hotel in Bolandia, and the clocks in the hotel display time in this way.
When she goes to bed one evening, the clock in her room reads 21:23. She wakes up a while
later and sees that the clock says 23:04.
For how long has Helen been asleep?
A  25 minutes
B  1 hour 41 minutes
C  2 hours 19 minutes
D  4 hours 58 minutes
E  5 hours 2 minutes
F  6 hours 14 minutes
4. Research has shown that parents with high incomes tend to have children who score highly in
IQ tests. It is very unlikely that this is because having rich parents improves one’s IQ. Much
more likely is that being intelligent tends to result in having a high income, since a high level of
intelligence is required for entering well-paid professions such as medicine and law. The
research did not examine whether the relationship between parental income and children’s IQ
scores was dependent on the nature of the parents’ profession. If it were found that the
children of high earners in sport and entertainment did not generally have high IQ scores, we
could conclude that the intelligence level of children is largely genetically inherited from their
Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the above argument?
A  A high level of intelligence is not required for a career in sport or entertainment.
B  The children of rich parents are likely to have a much better education than others.
C  The children of high earners in sport and entertainment are not likely to have high IQ
D  A high level of intelligence guarantees entry to well-paid professions such as medicine and
5. Over-prescription of antibiotics by doctors who respond to patients’ demands has raised the
drug resistance of harmful bacteria. Drug-resistant bacteria can make routine surgery and
minor cuts fatal if infections take hold. We could introduce penalties for doctors who
over-prescribe, but this would not be enough. Given the scale and escalation of antibiotic
resistance, we need to discover a new class of antibiotics. In the past, pharmaceutical
companies have not regarded research on antibiotics as potentially profitable. Governments
should give financial incentives to the pharmaceutical industry to intensify work on finding new
classes of antibiotics which could be kept in reserve for emergencies such as a global
epidemic. This would make it more attractive for pharmaceutical companies to carry out the
necessary research.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
A  Governments will not allow routine sales of a new antibiotic, except in an emergency.
B  In some countries antibiotics can be bought without a prescription from a doctor.
C  Antibiotics are useless against viruses and often unnecessary against mild bacterial
D  Use of antibiotics in livestock production has increased bacterial resistance to several